Just In
for A Day in Front of the TV

9/11/2004 c6 11Raikua
...O! Evil bunnies! What fun! Sort of...I had a toy like that, except it was a rather scary looking koala instead of a rabbit...Anyway, keep writing! ^-^
8/4/2004 c6 OverweightShinobi
Heh heh, you know what I think? That there should be a Beavis and Butt-head chapter. Beavis and Butt-head are always funny...
7/6/2004 c6 33Your Different October
I used to have a bunch of porcelain dolls. They were frikken SCARY, man! All starin' at me with those beady black eyes, like they wanted to KILL me... So I put them in a box, and now they won't ever get out. Unless I want to torture future generations with them. But probably not. _ *shifty eyes*
Hm... how about QVC? That channel is meha meha creepy, yo. VIOLENCE TO THE FISH!
7/6/2004 c5 2PerenX
wow that is very diturbed... but it's funny! funky monkey! i like wasibe eddy! and i hope you do more. I had a story like that until somone banned it...Bitch! oh well... write more for edd!
7/6/2004 c6 34Forest Passant
That was very strange and disturbing.
hee hee... I liked it. Write more.
6/16/2004 c5 11Raikua
~ *Big Starry Eyes* Raikua says this chapter was very,very,VERY good! She also says that she can't wait for the next one..Iron Chef is funny...Sometimes the people's voices don't match their faces, you know. Anyway, Raikua says to keep writing!
...Why am I talking in third-person? ^-^ ~
6/11/2004 c5 10FireChainsaw
Man, this was great. But you know what be really cool? If you turned it to a Beavis and Butt-Head rerun and just sat staring, while they just sat staring at you and making comments. That would be like, cool and stuff.
6/10/2004 c4 6Murry
i like... write more... you could do the food channel... i like the food channel... i watch it every day till my brain hurts... DO THE FOOD CHANNEL!
6/3/2004 c3 11Raikua
...Interesting...Very interesting...I'd hate/love to see what would happen if you watched Animal Planet...Or the FOOD CHANNEL! ^-^ Don't mind me; I have an odd obsession with the food channel...
5/25/2004 c1 3Ares-Artemis
this was actually funny! LOL gosh, i hate to think i have your same twisted humor, but i guess i do. =)
5/9/2004 c3 OldJoe
5/9/2004 c2 OldJoe

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