Just In
for The Horizon Between Lost and Dreaming

12/20/2004 c1 Nautical
Your style of writing is very admirable. It's very calming and descriptive, and feels complete. You capture scenes and emotions very well. Nice job, and I hope you continue!
6/11/2004 c1 49recalcitrant
hey that was an awesome write. i loved the imagery and the well thought out diction. check out some of my stuff and let me know what you think !
6/11/2004 c2 8The Last Cynic
Great! I liked the first part and I like the second part even more. You have a real way with words, especially imagery. The one thing you could work on is your transitions from scene to scene. They can get confusing, but I imagine its the document manglers' fault, not yours. Anyway, great piece of work, I can't wait for more.
5/27/2004 c1 5Lydia Corbeille
Your imagery is wonderful - I tend to prefer your descriptions and narration over your dialogue, though. I could swear that I heard that story about the girl waiting and turning to stone on an episode of Pokémon about four years ago, but that's ok. Lotte's character is an enjoyable one and I find myself identifying with her a lot - please post another chapter soon!
5/22/2004 c1 Gollywhopper Egg
I like your style of writing! I loved how you described Lotte's longing to go to sea, and I can't wait to see what happens to her! (P.S. Thanks for reviewing! ^_^)
5/16/2004 c1 8The Last Cynic
Excellent! This is one of the best stories I have ever read on fictionpress. Seriously. Before this I had despaired of ever finding anything not angsty or downright dumb on this site. Thank you SO MUCH.
As for the story, what I like best is your characters. Lotte is coming out quite nicely. I think the mother is a bit overdone, perhaps one-dimensional, but it doesn't hurt the story much. The plot is interesting, though you might consider throwing in a BIT more development before pirates ransack the village. Maybe. I don't usually wait very long before throwing more interesting stuff in either, so I don't have much room to talk. I do have one complaint...the legend, you know, stone girl and whatever, is a wee bit cliche. It's been done to death, waiting and turining into stone, etc. I can't offer a better idea, but it would add to the story if the legend had a bit more personality.
NEVERTHELESS! This was great! I can't wait for the next installment. I'm even adding it to my favorite stories list. Thanks again.

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