10/20/2005 c1
Deep. And It sucks that I can relate. NO, I don't cut myself...it's just sometimes, I feel like crying. And the only thing worse that not knowing why, is knowing that I wont. Great poem. Tastefully done.
I can't wait for more writing from you.

Deep. And It sucks that I can relate. NO, I don't cut myself...it's just sometimes, I feel like crying. And the only thing worse that not knowing why, is knowing that I wont. Great poem. Tastefully done.
I can't wait for more writing from you.
3/31/2005 c1
22Dying Without Gackt
OMG! I was listening to REALLY sad music when I read this - and it so just made it worse. I loved this...so much...Yep...sad...sad...so so sad...

OMG! I was listening to REALLY sad music when I read this - and it so just made it worse. I loved this...so much...Yep...sad...sad...so so sad...
7/30/2004 c1
Is there any doubt of the talent in this poem? Powerful writing. I also like the format. To me, the italics are the girl's(?) thoughts. Haunting. I don't think I will forget this in a hurry. I'm adding it to my Favourite Stories list.

Is there any doubt of the talent in this poem? Powerful writing. I also like the format. To me, the italics are the girl's(?) thoughts. Haunting. I don't think I will forget this in a hurry. I'm adding it to my Favourite Stories list.
6/11/2004 c1
I could really... really ... relate to this one. I can't cry either ( but then again i'm a guy) but thats besides the point.. sometimes people just need to vent. All and all it was hauntingly sad but awsome all the same.

I could really... really ... relate to this one. I can't cry either ( but then again i'm a guy) but thats besides the point.. sometimes people just need to vent. All and all it was hauntingly sad but awsome all the same.
5/27/2004 c1
7Marissa Anne
why hello! i've said it before, you have such an incredible talent, i can't get over it. please keep writing- never stop

why hello! i've said it before, you have such an incredible talent, i can't get over it. please keep writing- never stop
5/25/2004 c1
5Eagle Seance
I really don't understand cutting, but I like your poem. It's very beautiful even though the cutting bits had me wincing in imaginery pain. Yikes! ; )

I really don't understand cutting, but I like your poem. It's very beautiful even though the cutting bits had me wincing in imaginery pain. Yikes! ; )
5/24/2004 c1
wow.. definately dark.. the format is awesome... amazing poem... very powerful... I can relate.. amazing poem

wow.. definately dark.. the format is awesome... amazing poem... very powerful... I can relate.. amazing poem
5/22/2004 c1
418Amethyst Horizon
i love this so much! i especially love the last two lines! excellent work!

i love this so much! i especially love the last two lines! excellent work!
5/21/2004 c1
169Crimson Riley
Gasp! This is an amazing, graphic, and expressive poem. I can even feel the pain you wish to release.

Gasp! This is an amazing, graphic, and expressive poem. I can even feel the pain you wish to release.
5/21/2004 c1
Beautiful. I'm amazed how you captured all the emotions into this piece through excellent imagery.
-C Skittlez

Beautiful. I'm amazed how you captured all the emotions into this piece through excellent imagery.
-C Skittlez
5/21/2004 c1
This flows nicely. Very well described, you can picture what your feeling/thinking very well.

This flows nicely. Very well described, you can picture what your feeling/thinking very well.
5/20/2004 c1
71Sang Yu Nung
*adds story to favorites* WoNdErFuL! I really liked this- it was simply superb in so many ways... nice flow, great tone... Very sad- and a good way to wrap it up in the end!

*adds story to favorites* WoNdErFuL! I really liked this- it was simply superb in so many ways... nice flow, great tone... Very sad- and a good way to wrap it up in the end!