Just In
for The Cryptic Doll

5/24/2004 c2 Audrey Baxter
Oh! Poor doggie!
He he... a girl just fainted, and I'm worried about the dog. That's me.
I'm confused about how there are dancers, but I'm in a hurry so I kinda skimmed this. Other than my low attention span, this is really good (even though my attention span isn't your fault).
Please let the doggie be OK!
5/23/2004 c2 Barbe
Please Tell me Tri gets magic? I'm thinking something on the line CalBrena you're doing?
5/23/2004 c2 Angelic Hellraiser
Please tell me there will be some sexual tension b/w Sade and Trinity!CONTINUE!
5/23/2004 c1 Angelic Hellraiser
5/22/2004 c1 2Hearts Goddess
It seems interesting! Kind of strange and it sounds like the movie Chuckie sort of! Update soon! Kendal
5/22/2004 c1 9Love and Shadow
nice start. i really like it. Tri seems a bit strange though, ^^
5/21/2004 c1 1J'Adore Les Phoques
Sweet! I like the start. Trinity seems... odd. I like that you made that apparent in her character, though. I really supery dupery hope you continue. Bleh.
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