7/1/2008 c1
This piece intrigues me without any interruption. The only complaint I may have is the & in place of "and". Overall, the piece hooks the reader from the get-go. Keep up the good work!

This piece intrigues me without any interruption. The only complaint I may have is the & in place of "and". Overall, the piece hooks the reader from the get-go. Keep up the good work!
9/7/2005 c1
I have read this...and have not reviewed it. For some reason, extremely introspective. The parenthesis are suiting...quickens the pace and makes it very close to an afterthought. You WILL post more things for me to read, yes?

I have read this...and have not reviewed it. For some reason, extremely introspective. The parenthesis are suiting...quickens the pace and makes it very close to an afterthought. You WILL post more things for me to read, yes?
2/9/2005 c1
'(for he’s only ever seen his own bruises and he thinksthat they are just the most beautiful things)'
:: dies ::

'(for he’s only ever seen his own bruises and he thinksthat they are just the most beautiful things)'
:: dies ::
10/12/2004 c1
What can I say that others have not... these words have the power to stir me and make me smile. It's so rare to find a true poet... keep up the good work.

What can I say that others have not... these words have the power to stir me and make me smile. It's so rare to find a true poet... keep up the good work.
9/2/2004 c1
i can't remember if i've reviewed this, but i wanted to respond to the review you gave me, so i'll just review this as well.
haunting and innocent, and a very original idea as well. either that or it's not an original idea but you've executed it wonderfully. amazing poem.
as to your comment, thank you for your criticism! as a poet i think we all like praise, but it helps more when people show you where your piece can be improved. that one's never really been one of my favorites, and i think you pinpointed the reason perfectly. and now i'm at a dilemma as to... whether i change it, or leave it. sometimes i feel like the previous words call for the rest of them, so it's hard to change it once you've started going. like how if a title pops out at you, you have to name it that.. there's no going back, because it sticks. hm.
regardless, the point is... thank you, and i don't hate you or anything of the sort. :)

i can't remember if i've reviewed this, but i wanted to respond to the review you gave me, so i'll just review this as well.
haunting and innocent, and a very original idea as well. either that or it's not an original idea but you've executed it wonderfully. amazing poem.
as to your comment, thank you for your criticism! as a poet i think we all like praise, but it helps more when people show you where your piece can be improved. that one's never really been one of my favorites, and i think you pinpointed the reason perfectly. and now i'm at a dilemma as to... whether i change it, or leave it. sometimes i feel like the previous words call for the rest of them, so it's hard to change it once you've started going. like how if a title pops out at you, you have to name it that.. there's no going back, because it sticks. hm.
regardless, the point is... thank you, and i don't hate you or anything of the sort. :)
8/25/2004 c1 ylem
Reminds me of a foreign film for some reason. The last two lines seemed to make the little boy grow up into a man. Totally. Curse on his head...
Reminds me of a foreign film for some reason. The last two lines seemed to make the little boy grow up into a man. Totally. Curse on his head...
7/27/2004 c1
I think I am addicted to your poetry (I have been for a while now)... But I'm beginning to experience withdrawal... I need more!

I think I am addicted to your poetry (I have been for a while now)... But I'm beginning to experience withdrawal... I need more!
7/23/2004 c1 fourpineapples
YES! *shakes fist* I have FOUND you!
Having gone on a wild goose chase of sorts...
I've read this before, I've loved this before. I love it now, still. You, my dear Zelle, with your Loki and your Sigyn and your perplexing broken poems...
I trust you haven't abandoned fictionpress entirely in the recent months? Because I have a proposal to make, and something about the way you keep slipping through my fingers tells me that I'd better catch you now, before you run off again like the trickster I think you may well be.
I think an e-mail is preferable, though. As I can't seem to make this infernal enter button work properly, for whatever reason.
With eventuality.
YES! *shakes fist* I have FOUND you!
Having gone on a wild goose chase of sorts...
I've read this before, I've loved this before. I love it now, still. You, my dear Zelle, with your Loki and your Sigyn and your perplexing broken poems...
I trust you haven't abandoned fictionpress entirely in the recent months? Because I have a proposal to make, and something about the way you keep slipping through my fingers tells me that I'd better catch you now, before you run off again like the trickster I think you may well be.
I think an e-mail is preferable, though. As I can't seem to make this infernal enter button work properly, for whatever reason.
With eventuality.
5/25/2004 c1
God woman... I have seriously missed you so fucking much it should be illegal and this, this right here, is exactly the reason why.
Stunning piece - really stunning. I loved it from start to finish and the last two lines... *sigh*
Stunning, beautiful and a thousand other superlatives lost on the Atlantic wind... *hug*

God woman... I have seriously missed you so fucking much it should be illegal and this, this right here, is exactly the reason why.
Stunning piece - really stunning. I loved it from start to finish and the last two lines... *sigh*
Stunning, beautiful and a thousand other superlatives lost on the Atlantic wind... *hug*