Just In
for Endgame

1/5/2008 c2 Nathan
Smooth work, damned pity it was left to die by all appearances.
3/14/2007 c1 13KimHua
Nice setup for the story - you've crafted a neat political system that I can only envy. :-)

Please update!
6/12/2005 c2 6averroes
Very interesting and well written. One question though - is it going to be finished?
4/21/2005 c2 Saint Josmane
Nice work! If you're reading this, add another sodding chapter, please!
10/9/2004 c2 14biminator
hmm. interesting chapter. I like how you constructed the politics of the assembled government. nice job. update soon.
10/7/2004 c2 RCS
Discriptive and gripping. Update soon. And "soon" means sometime before next year...heh heh.
7/8/2004 c1 Mbwun
Well, snap. Sounds like someone's about to unleash mightily. I hope you plan on continuing this; I see you haven't updated in a while.

~He Who Walks On All Fours
6/23/2004 c1 20KyranHayyt
interesting so far, ill keep reading for sure.
(by the way, on your profile Rolnald emmerich just added "the day after tomorrow" to his list of movies"
6/10/2004 c1 7CommandoCody
Hm...the same, and yet different—probably 'cause of the political dimension. I am entertained and intrigued; please continue.
6/7/2004 c1 2RCS
Good beginning to a sci-fi technothriller. How long between updates on this one? (Like I should talk about expedient updates).
6/2/2004 c1 16Calvin Fitzgerald
Great sci-fi story and the best part was the explanation of the interplanetary politics. Very life like, very realistic. It reads like something Tom Clancy would write if he were to write a sci fi story. Is this going to be a short story or is it going to be closer to a novel? At this point it looks like it could go either way. Excellent character building as well. Keep working on this one, I want to read more.
Calvin Fitzgerald
6/1/2004 c1 sieg45
Great beginning update soon please please r&r my story too http:/w.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=715203
6/1/2004 c1 14biminator
oh. very nice cliffhanger. good story. update soon.

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