Just In
for My Happy Ending

7/12/2007 c25 xjo orange

haha, I got confused when you said that March was the start of the autumn season because March is basically the start of spring in the U.S. and then I realized how many times Austrailia was mentioned throughout the story. I literally smacked my forehead! hahaha great work
7/11/2007 c21 3moneymakestheworldgoround
btw, y do u call urself dangerous fox when ur username is niccy? just curious. :D
7/3/2007 c25 3Twilightorchid44
I absolutely love this story. too bad there won't be a sequel. Keeo writing though
1/29/2007 c10 ess3sandra
dun dun dun, let the game begin. muhwa. but dont you think that CK will royally screw up the cupid act?, lol.
1/29/2007 c9 ess3sandra
its to much guys in this story, i dont know who to choose for my hunk, for Ck of course... lol.
1/29/2007 c8 ess3sandra
of course, you are mixing an a bit shakespear, wel done!
1/29/2007 c7 ess3sandra
aha, so there is a thing going on, lol. go scottiboy
1/29/2007 c6 ess3sandra
well i dont now what to think but i do now that justin is a jerk, if he said i call he should have called. so i vote for scott, yup. i do!
1/29/2007 c5 ess3sandra
that was sad, justin is such an ass if he is hiding from his true feelings, or will you mix scott and make it a three way (NOT the kinky way) just the love triangel. anyhow, the stroy is great. you go girl!
1/29/2007 c4 ess3sandra
jesus the drama, god, this plot will turn of perfectly. bravado to you!
1/29/2007 c3 ess3sandra
lol, what is the chance... well i would gess its a 1:1! so our (your) heroin is brave, cool, crazy, smart and good looking. we like!
1/29/2007 c2 ess3sandra
damn girl you surf? i always wanted to surf, no i wamted to surf sine three years back, and let me tell you, sweden has verry verry bad vaywes. as for the story, why is it that you always leave sad cliff hangers? but since it is a romantic stroy i hope it will get fluffier =P. go CK!
1/29/2007 c1 ess3sandra
i jumped to your newt story, and i like it! this wil be fun. akso i always wanted to go to australia, you like it?
12/30/2006 c1 youpin
10/7/2006 c25 xo-pauli-ox
aww.. it ended.. =( dat was realli guud! haha i srsly cracked up at da crazy idea of Caroline pregnant lolz haha nice work!
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