Just In
for My Happy Ending

8/1/2004 c9 tnguyen143
I'm not sure whether I like Scott or Justion better. I usually prefer the love-hate relationships to the love at first sight thing...At first, I liked Justin but after skimming parts over between Justin and her, I'm a little suspicious of him...he seems like the type of person that would be influenced by the tie of popularity...I think I want Scott and Justin to both love her, but then she chooses Scott...So I hope she ends up with Scott...but I'll see how it goes...update soon!
7/31/2004 c11 2Saggitaire
Great chaps. Carly speaking to Caroline in a civilised way! It has to be a miracle! Maybe they could be friends, not!
Ms. Angelpuss, what a bitch!
anywayz, plz update soon. ^_^
7/31/2004 c11 2Arialla
Great job; this is really good! You know, the interesting thing is, right before I got your update, I had My Happy Ending stuck in my head, and I was watching the movie video. So I was surprised when I got your update =). Maybe I’m telepathic? That would be so awesome. Anyways, please update soon!
~ Aria
7/31/2004 c11 30a e i o u and sometimes y
Aah, I used to take dance. I quit when it took up way too much of my time though. Get some sleep, hunny! Anyway,
This chapter was quite interesting. I really don't like Ms. Angelpuss *shudder* She reminds me of my science teacher in a weird way. Not a very pleasant person x_x
7/31/2004 c11 7You Need More Flair
WHEW! I liked this chapter. Sometimes teachers really do suck ass. LOL
More, please.
7/30/2004 c11 5lozzi1403
hey really good chapter. i hate having essays for creative writing as well ( i read what you siad to other ppl) an i got soo muich homework from that class last semester and i get soo much from my Lit class too. my teachers truly phsycho. she like wants us to nap for like 10 minutes wen we hav a class that is afta lulnch. she really weird lol. anyways
post the next bit soon plz
catch ya
7/30/2004 c11 5kassiopia59
Heehe...so she kicked almost everyone butts on the other team huh? That's funny. I probably would've been scare to death. Wait of minute...I AM! I'm afraid of soccer balls. (If that's what their playing.) IT's weird, not afraid of basketballs, or volleyballs, or footballs, or tennis balls or golf balls but soccer balls. Weird, but they are scary...
Anyways, I liked this chapter. It was funny, just too bad Caroline got detention.
7/24/2004 c6 16Broken Spiral
You don't disappoint. =) The characters are all very natural and the plot is refreshing. *sigh* I have to go now, so I'll finish the rest later (does this sound familiar?) There better be a chapter 11 here the next time I check up on this!
x [CC] x
7/24/2004 c3 Cracked Circle
Damn. I have to finish this chapter later =( Anyway, I wanted to inform you...*drum roll*...that you are my new "it" story! Who! Yup, yup. I go looking around this site for potential favorite stories and yoouu are my most recent one! *does a jig* Keep writing, cuz I'm setting me sights on finishing this! Btw, if you're looking for something to read in your spare time (wait...you have to spend your spare time WRITING THE NEXT CHAPTER - oh well), go search Cracked Circle and read my favorite stories! Yay! I'm making a sales pitch for all of my favorite stories! I feel so ashamed... ah well, you're on the list anyway. =) Happy writing.
x [CC] x
7/23/2004 c10 5lozzi1403
hey put up the next chap soon plz
catch ya
7/22/2004 c10 7You Need More Flair
The chapter was kinda slow, but I still liked it... And I can't wait for yah to update.
7/22/2004 c10 Jiro
Yay! I love it! I love it! I still think she and scott have that rivalry love-hate thing going on (really DEEP down ^_^) Lol. It's always just more interesting when there's more than one love intrest, ya know? Update soon plz!
7/22/2004 c10 30a e i o u and sometimes y
Oh I loved this chapter! I like Jake...He seems like a nice guy. Reminds me of one of my friends, actually.
Aw, you poor thing. Get some rest and don't worry about updating.
7/22/2004 c10 5quiksilva brumby
Woohoo, loved the whole late for class thing - reminds me of myself *sigh* hehe. I'm in history right now, and we officially have the STUPIDEST assig to do...so im bludging =D Haha go millsy! actualli i dont like him either but neway. I shook hands with will smith the other day! *jumps around* neway, can't wait for ur next chappie! I want 2 know what happens with the whole cassandra/jake thingy!
luv ~brumby~ xx
7/22/2004 c10 4anatidaephobiac
good chapter. way to be blunt caroline...
hey... you left your homework til the last minute? I do that too! like every night! except now that school's out, i don't have to do that anymore! yay!
yeah... since i'm in america, i have no clue what the australian idol people are... but that sounds like what she did is common... getting a pic taken with a celebrity person even if you don't like them...
anyway, i'm just rambling on pointlessly...
Update soon!
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