Just In
for My Happy Ending

6/16/2004 c2 moni
hey, just a quick note to say I'm really liking how this story is turning out. I have read Loved Forever too, and thought you did a fairly good job with it but I have a feeling this one will be ten times better!
6/15/2004 c1 30a e i o u and sometimes y
Oh I really like the beginning of this! I'll be back to read more!
6/15/2004 c2 Midnight Owl
you know, i think i like this story better than loved forever. though they're both great. once again, my eyes hurt too much to leave a longer review... sorry. excellent story. update again soon?
6/15/2004 c2 anonymous
update soon. i can't wait to see what happens next. Update your other story to. till the next chapter.
6/15/2004 c2 PCS
Hey. I think its a little hard to read and there are a lot of little errors( like my instead of me.) but other then that i like it a lot!
6/15/2004 c2 2Arialla
Ooh, interesting. I can’t wait to read more, so please update soon!
~ Aria
6/15/2004 c2 7You Need More Flair
Don't feel bad about suckin at snowboarding. I suck at EVERYTHING on a board... I can't sled. Heck, I can't even boogie board...
Sad, huh?
Great job on this chapter. It was more paced, and it was entertaining.
I like that you didn't make CK very Mary-Sue-ish by making her uber great at surfing or trashketball.
And yes, I made that word up. ;)
More, please.
6/13/2004 c1 6annchick1273
haha Great start. lol I can't help but laugh at the last line.
6/12/2004 c1 Finnigan Irish
Well, I must say that I enjoyed this story and am waiting for an update! It reminds me a little of Bend It Like Beckham...and I needed a good romance story! UPDATE FOR THE FANS!
6/9/2004 c1 5kassiopia59
This is getting fun! I can't wait till the summer is over and she finds out that Milano is going to her school! Ou have have to write more as soon as possible. Again...ASAP!
6/9/2004 c1 7You Need More Flair
I like this idea, even though it's one of those quintessential summer stories, but you're moving a little fast. I think you should spend a little longer developing characters before moving into the "fast-action" stuff.
Write more, please.
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