Just In
for My Happy Ending

4/11/2005 c24 4black robin
Nice chapter.. hmm.. next time I want to get out of something I'll just pretend I'm pregnant.. okay weird.. and not likely to work..
4/11/2005 c24 2CynicInLove
im giggling insanely. maniacly perhaps too. a weird combination of the both of them. i think i about choked on my saliva when justin spit whatever he was drinking out. you're humour is a guaranteed laugh, no doubt about that. anyways, one more chapter? hmm, i think it's a good time to end the story. leanne's gone, nice exit by the way, lol. anyways, please update soON!
4/11/2005 c24 4anatidaephobiac
(laur1632 here... another name change). that was TOO sweet. I can't even express myself. i laughed until i cried. it was ingenius. AMAZING job. update soon... (though i'll be sad to see the story finished...)
4/11/2005 c11 4lindserly
wow i'm so confused at to who she's going to end up with. it could really be any of them- justin, scott or even jake. goodness you could really take this story in any direction. i hope it gets some sort of direction soon because it's hurting my head with all the possibilities. hehe.
4/11/2005 c24 tore
HILARIOUS chapter, that was quick thinking on CK's part. Loved it! I'm sad this story is gonna end soon...y'know for a while there I even thought CK and Scott might had have something going but Justin's cool too!

ALSO, the play's King Lear. 100% sure. Shakespeare's the dude who has wicked names for his characters though Goneril isn't one of his best...
4/11/2005 c24 Jiro
Bwuhaha! Priceless!
4/11/2005 c24 12thornsxinxyourxside
Actually.. no clue about the play.. sad.. but that is a funny name, if my parents named me that.. ew, lol. But great post, it made me chuckle ^_^ not to mention I was so caught by surprise I had no idea whatsoever about what she was going to do, but huzzah! I'm sad there's only one more chappie left :(
4/11/2005 c24 4quotata
w00t! LoL LOL king lear.. r u doing it for yr 12?
4/11/2005 c24 Bubble's Webb
haha, i know i havnt reviewed for ages (this is quiksilva brumby in case i havnt reviewed under this name) but i have been reading - this chappie was cool! I loved the way they go rid of Leanne, that was awesome :D Hhehehehe v. funny. Can't wait for the epilogue! Oh, and the play is King Lear isnt it? luv - micky x
4/10/2005 c24 4DeliciousAmbiguity
WHAT? ONE MORE CHAPTER 'TILL THE ENDING? SAY IT AIN'T SO. Will there be a sequel? I hope so! Anyway, great chapter, I found it very humorous. Continue soon!
4/10/2005 c24 xWhit3StaRx
I like this! Sorry i'm too lazy to login right now XD

4/10/2005 c7 lindserly
hehe i don't mind justin. i just won't like him if he's actually in love with this girl. well iwon't like him for CK anyway. but i like the dynamic with her and scott cuz i highly doubt how she sees scott is how he really is. meh i guess we'll see.
4/10/2005 c24 3kat6528
lol that's funy shit. pregnant... good move.
4/10/2005 c5 lindserly
i could be totally off but as of right now i'm rooting for scott and not justin. i bet scott's a sweetie.

i still have a lot of the story to read but i'm just throwing out my guess. we'll see (when i review later in the story :) )

heh. good story thus far.
4/10/2005 c24 Hexic
haha thats amazing. I was kinda wondering what she'd do... something along those lines but I was expecting a "baby" maybe just Justin cheating on the other girl.. lolNice chapter.

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