Just In
for My Happy Ending

4/10/2005 c24 6Nobody-n-Particular
That was hilarious! Fune and well-written. Put a smile on my face!
4/10/2005 c24 3fairy pwincess
LMAO that was hilarious! I loved the way justin spat out his drink when she said she was pregnant. So funny! Update soon plz.

TTFN ~*fairy pwincess*~
4/10/2005 c24 limbo-gal
lol, i love the comment at the end and go CK! I don't think any of us could have predicted THAT ^.^ Keep it up.latersEMMA
4/3/2005 c23 Bloodshot
FU*K! This is an awesome story! Sorry from my little spaz about, i stared at the last line Man, you should have seen the look on Justin’s face when Leanne responds with an excited, "yes"I was so shocked! I still think that Caroline should be with Scott...but Caroline with Justin isnt so bad. Update soon
3/24/2005 c23 1Killer Tofu
Oh man! Thats nuts. Hurry up and update already!
3/24/2005 c22 Killer Tofu
Awe...how sweet.
3/23/2005 c23 4Following Sheep Around
this story is really fantastic!i love trams! all green and cool looking like... here in queensland all we have is buses that are falling apart and trains...
3/23/2005 c23 Jixieus
OMG! That was anazing- I can't believe he actually did that! Wow- really want to know what happens now- she was supposed to say no! But I suppose I should have guessed she wouldn't...
3/22/2005 c23 4DeliciousAmbiguity
3/22/2005 c23 30a e i o u and sometimes y
3/22/2005 c23 depth
oh man...i cant believe she said yes...

anyway, keep up this very VERY nice work and update soon!

3/16/2005 c23 40Moosher
Heh..you're probably sick and tired of me and my reviews.. I just can't get enough of ur stories! I'm addicted! You have a unique talent, and u manage to make each story's writing style different. Does that make sense? I love this story! then again, when haven't I loved n e thing u wrote? I just regret that I havent read ur work sooner..if it weren't for my pal Zara (sinner By Nature) I wouldnt have spotted you on FP! This plot is more complicated than ur other stories, u have more characters I think..I really though there might be a chance for scott and Caroline as n item..or her and Jake..Vereh exciting! and u included a cliffie..I hve love/hate feelings for cliffies..the sooner u update the more i like 'em! oh god this is long.! sorry! Im going now..Update soon..Much love, Mimi
3/15/2005 c23 2Megliz716
Leanne is insane! I can't believe Justin actually proposed, I mean she is insane of course she was going to say yes. Now what is he going to do? I can't wait for the next update!
3/15/2005 c23 3fairy pwincess
O.M.G! That was hilarious! I cant believe she said yes!1 So funny. I was laughing for about ten minutes continuously. Please please please update soon.

TTFN ~*fairy pwincess*~
3/15/2005 c23 sally
bwahahahahahahaha! that was a classic ending... a total backfire to his plan, I loved it! ^_^ can't wait til your next update, take care!
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