6/17/2004 c1 71Cyrinia
Ok yeah that is weird...hilarious, but weird...the cell phone thing is great. You should write more stories like this!
Ok yeah that is weird...hilarious, but weird...the cell phone thing is great. You should write more stories like this!
6/11/2004 c1 10FireChainsaw
Man. You didn't even mention how after he was crucified, he came back as the Road Warrior and fought zombies with a pillowcase full of scrap metal. And the way you tell, his rivalry with Draco didn't play any part in his decision to train to pilot the Gundam. You've let me down. But worse, you let down Mecha-Jesus.
Man. You didn't even mention how after he was crucified, he came back as the Road Warrior and fought zombies with a pillowcase full of scrap metal. And the way you tell, his rivalry with Draco didn't play any part in his decision to train to pilot the Gundam. You've let me down. But worse, you let down Mecha-Jesus.
6/10/2004 c1 32Septimus Tigrem
Wow. It took me almost ten minutes to read that, I was laughing so hard. Haha...-Converts story into new, Uber-Religion of Doom- Yes!
I love that. -Sigh- Very good, very good.
Wow. It took me almost ten minutes to read that, I was laughing so hard. Haha...-Converts story into new, Uber-Religion of Doom- Yes!
I love that. -Sigh- Very good, very good.