Just In
for Quirks Among the Orderly

4/14/2007 c2 ess3sandra
i will elave for a buisness trip far far away, were been over this alreay, priceless!
4/14/2007 c1 ess3sandra
this is fun!
2/18/2007 c4 NO LONGER USING
This is an amusing story and I enjoyed reading it. I hope you update it sooner. It's nicely written and the characters compliment each other perfectly. Nice work.

12/15/2006 c4 6Crewger
so, when is the next time it's gonna be updated?
6/27/2006 c4 Honeycakes
I love your story; it's utterly hilarious. Write more. Now. Or I will eat you alive!
6/1/2006 c4 2Bimbo-Trouble
your story is amazing! please keep up the great work..at times i really think that Natti is an actual person, that is just the greatest thing a writer can do! thanks!
12/23/2005 c4 21insane in the brain
[cracks up hysterically]. I should try that whole thing at school one day. Maybe lose some of my 'friends', stupid annoying twittering fools . Yes, me nice. Thankies muchly, update or I'll swobble you with Holy Spatula.
11/27/2005 c4 18flights.of.fantasy
haha this is funnie.. update soon!
11/12/2005 c1 7Juniper Nights
lol this is a very amusing story! good job
11/11/2005 c4 4Emilia J. Luthi
This is really funny and clever - I'm really enjoying it so far. But math is not like oxygen. It is like some horrible, horrible thing that should be buried under the earth. But other than that...
9/7/2005 c1 enjee
Hello!Your story is very creative and interesting and I like it very much! I hope you update because you have a very long list of readers who want you to continue (including me)!So please continue?Cheers~mimi.
8/26/2005 c4 Katie
8/4/2005 c4 1GNIP
I like it! It's really funny, the dialogues... especially the one with the ants... *sizzle* update soon, I hope
8/2/2005 c4 Shaina
lmao i love this story! It's just great!

I really like "Blinky". He seems cool, and I'm glad he's not just giving up and leaving Natti.
7/31/2005 c4 1Erin Maureen
this story is so amazing i like the way this girl thinks! and this guy very kewl! blinky...hehe. and he got her name, sneaky bastard...anyway really good story!update soon!
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