Just In
for Commercial

10/29/2012 c1 18Sapphy-Sweets
*opens mouth to say something*
...I've got nothing...uh...good job? I think?
9/9/2005 c1 40T41N7
That's just too funny, visualizing that last scene in my head is hilarious! "Maybe I'll be seeing you real soon." That would comfort me a lot! You have a very twisted sense of humor, I applaude you for it.
8/17/2004 c1 29Livi Z
Rather accurate. And funny. w00t! Its cool. Yea...And stuff. Im gonna watch for that commercial now...
6/26/2004 c1 13hauntingtheliving
o.o i love it XD Now I sorta wish that was a real commercial. That'd be awesome XP
6/21/2004 c1 81daphnegray78
Morbidly humorous. *laughs* I can just picture it, too. Now I remember why I don't have cable...
6/18/2004 c1 Aicic Lee
hahaha... amusing. i see you were bored. very... umm... creative. yea...
6/18/2004 c1 Aicic Lee
hahaha... amusing. i see you were bored. very... umm... creative. yea...
6/18/2004 c1 1Genius-Ben
hm... very interesting... hm...
6/18/2004 c1 10FireChainsaw
The last line should read "catchy little jingle", but otherwise, pretty good.
6/17/2004 c1 Brandy Bear
that is so cute i really like it its a really cool thought. good job
6/17/2004 c1 CW-nerd-12
Wow... I never thought of death having a commercial... interesting thought, though.

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