Just In
for Anathema

8/28/2004 c1 3Stranger Than Fiction
Very nice. I don't usually enjoy the poetry on FP, but I did enjoy this. Once again, very nice.
7/9/2004 c1 89lalamushu
interesting. i like the way you did this.
7/4/2004 c1 natejames
I like it. it's good.
7/1/2004 c1 25Arutha
Judgin by a review you gave me, I believe you to be female. However, I find this piece most intriguing in a kind of matter-of-fact, low male voice. I did it in my head, hehe. Anyhow, I think it's awesome; well done.
6/30/2004 c1 74LordK
confusing, and abstract... I like it. It just flowed freely, like stream of conciousness writing. Interesting.
BTW, I didn't get tFoC. What e-mail did you use? Perhaps you could email it to me again?
6/25/2004 c1 58floorcollision
good as always. :)

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