6/29/2004 c1 4BiancaNoelle
I know how you feel! Sometimes people can just creep me out. Hey, thanks for reviewing my poem... I am just starting out as well! My muse is so shy its scary, so I know what you mean 'bout the "go easy on me" thing. But lucky for you we wont be needing to go easy on you cause this is a great peice of work! I like your friends phone number! I'll have to use that sometime...er.. that is ...if you will let me.. Its nice to have someone else who is just begining. Thx
I know how you feel! Sometimes people can just creep me out. Hey, thanks for reviewing my poem... I am just starting out as well! My muse is so shy its scary, so I know what you mean 'bout the "go easy on me" thing. But lucky for you we wont be needing to go easy on you cause this is a great peice of work! I like your friends phone number! I'll have to use that sometime...er.. that is ...if you will let me.. Its nice to have someone else who is just begining. Thx
6/29/2004 c1 16davidkwon
you go girl (or guy, but i'm guessing this is a girl's page)! Long distance relationships are really pathetic and they really don't get anywhere. well, some do, but those people can be real desperate.
Anyway, i like the last two lines in your poem although I kinda feel that this is like a rant. But that's okay, poems express emotions and it can turn out to be a rant at times. I rant a lot... Anywho, I liked the poem because it's true.
you go girl (or guy, but i'm guessing this is a girl's page)! Long distance relationships are really pathetic and they really don't get anywhere. well, some do, but those people can be real desperate.
Anyway, i like the last two lines in your poem although I kinda feel that this is like a rant. But that's okay, poems express emotions and it can turn out to be a rant at times. I rant a lot... Anywho, I liked the poem because it's true.