Just In
for Unfair Odds

7/10/2006 c8 4Seashah
Yay! There's more of this story! This has always been one of my favorites and I'd love to see how this plays out. Work on this one! I'd love to see more of it.
9/3/2005 c8 13Daughter-of-Louis
Yay fun update! I love this story and you'd better not leave this story unfinished...or else :P Hope you update soon!

8/17/2005 c8 midnightblue
this story is very good i like to read some more it interesting so write more.
8/11/2005 c8 aaaa
aw this story isnt finished! i really think that this is a good story sO i hope that you do end up finishing it sometime soon!keep up the good work and ill be waiting
8/10/2005 c8 Rouge
That was ... short. Please, update. Thank you.
8/9/2005 c8 6Pandemonium Express
ne? You can't just leave it there! Evil. Bother. Anyways, this story is so strange, but really good. Thank goodness it's not another over-used plotline! There are too many of those floating around. So yah...can't wait till the next chp is out!
6/20/2005 c8 11Wolfie Star26
really really ncie. I love it all. I was and have been waiting for you to update this. keep up the great work, and you have to help me get Xerro to update. *evil smile* You'd probably have to go to my profile to find out who I am again. Since you used to read my stories but stopped. Ja ne!
6/10/2005 c8 Tii Jay
oh mu gosh ! i waited for months just for another update... but i'm glad you're all better and stuff. I was seriously hoping this story wouldn't be imcomplete... i really love the story plot. You seriously need to make longer chapters ! please please please ? It's so good... ^_^

-tii jay
6/7/2005 c8 Kelly Melly
Yay! you're finally back! i'm so HAPPY! XD good chap update soon please! glad to hear you're okay too! i was a little worried you wouldn't finish this story which would be a shame cause its Really good and i love so update as soon as you can cause i'll be lookinn for the next update! Laters~Kelly Melly~
6/2/2005 c8 17Cattails
Aw, poor Atsu. Her life just sucks, doesn't it? Aw well, it has to get better...eventually... Can't wait for the next update! Hope you're feeling better!

6/1/2005 c8 4Chasing Summer
Hey, please update soon! I love this story, and I really feel sorry for her, the doctor scared me 0_0. I wonder if the guys know about her mother, or if they'll find out...hmm... please update soon! Thank you byes!
6/1/2005 c6 17Cattails
Wow, what happened to make her kill her dad? It must have been pretty bad situation to make her mother go crazy (and apparently stab her). Even her aunt's mad! (I thought she seemed really friendly and nice :S) I guess the story'll explain it all later ^_^Awesome as always!

6/1/2005 c5 Cattails
Uh-oh! Ryu has a conscience! He's definitely starting to like her ^_^

6/1/2005 c4 Cattails
Well, THAT was unexpected. Poor Chiatsu!

6/1/2005 c2 Cattails
This story is awesome! I love the plot. It's both funny and painful. Now I want to know what Chiatsu's past was!

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