Just In
for Sleeping Tiger

9/10/2004 c1 54Werecat99
I loved that. It had a feral rhythm in it.
9/8/2004 c1 6vague-perception
*Whips out a crystal ball* I see a record deal...or is that just me and my vague perception? Hey this is really cool, I can imagine it going with some drums and tribal-type instruments. Are the italic words actually real translations? They probably aren't (answering my own q's again ^^) but they seem to be...
Really nice, how did you manage to put it all together? Anyways, please keep writing! :D
8/11/2004 c1 1BeccaBoo14
me liky... i can here the rhthym in thwe words... where'd you get that idea from?
8/10/2004 c1 22fadedrainbows
This was cool! I think I'd enjoy it more if I understood the african parts, I was a little confused, but I loved it! It sounds so fun :)
7/31/2004 c1 5CrystalDusk
HAHAHAHAHA! PEEPING CROCODILES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! did u make up the african[?] bits? whatever i didn't get that. but it's funny. it made me laugh! congrats [1st reviewer]

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