Just In
for Care?

11/28/2004 c1 175The Random Witness
yOU'RE SO NOT ALONE! i totally know how you feel. TRW
7/7/2004 c1 13DuVille
what you're trying to say is logical. your not alone on that. i don't usually share what i feel to others what my true problems are so sometimes, i feel alone. but sometimes, i just really have to realize that that's why i have people who are my friends and family. they are there to help me through, no matter if they have major problems. if they do fail to give support,we gotta understand and then, its our turn to help them. Ü
7/4/2004 c1 52Kristal
Too true... hits way too close to home and you are so not alone on it, because the world dont care about no one. And no one wants to hear complaining baout their lives because everyone has their own shit to deal with. You are not alone, yet in ways you are... take it any way you want!
Loved it really!
7/3/2004 c1 5Zephyr Mikael
It's very good of you to know that people have problems, just like you. If you show that you care about people, they will open up just as much to you.

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