Just In
for Three Jerks And A Pack Of Midol

8/6/2004 c14 sweet hunny
i loved this story! they are FINALLY together! im gonna go read the sequel now. bye!
8/5/2004 c11 sweet hunny
argh! this is getting frustrating. lol. i'll take ur word for it.
7/16/2004 c10 1x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
Cool chapter! Veronica better get Tristan out! lol :)
7/16/2004 c9 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
Cool chapter! But Tristan's so sad...lol
7/16/2004 c8 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
Aw Lucas is so sweet. Lol Sorry i'm bein a lil crazy rite now :) Anyways Tristan was sweet too *walks up to Tristan and looks like a dwarf next to him because he's so tall* hehe Beautiful chapter!
7/16/2004 c7 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
I LOVE YOU TRISTAN! *gasp* *slaps hand over mouth* uh that wasn't me! It was your imagination! Really...you should um believe me...LOL anyways woohoo GREAT CHAPTER!
7/16/2004 c5 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
STUPID JERRY! haha This is the chapter where i officially start hating that *BEEP* and starting to like that Tristan...muwahahaha im gonna take him away from Veronica...im so evil...I KNOW! I'll just switch lives with her!...NO WAY! I meant...I want Tristan but that's all i want from her! lol Love your story! :)
7/16/2004 c4 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
I hate her dad for doing that! How could he! that evil *BEEP* hehe my words are censored in reviews lol :) Great chappie!
7/16/2004 c3 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
Yep! I sure do like it! Wait...no i don't...I LOVE IT! lol
7/16/2004 c2 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
O that last paragraph was catchy...
7/16/2004 c1 x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
Great intro! :)
7/15/2004 c14 8Katsiebee
Yummy. Nice story, although, occasionally the dialogue was difficult to understand. Other than that, great!
7/15/2004 c14 1x0x-Still-Alive-x0x
OMG that was the best story i ever read! Lol Yur story put me out of my bad mood! Well sorta. Something really really bad happened. My story "The cUrse" was erased from fictionpress somehow for the third time...I was so depressed this morning when i found out. If you want me to put it back up, just email me at angel eyes I'm just afraid that i might lose my story again if i put it back up :( Anyways that was the bestest story ever! Keep writing! And don't worry, i'm keeping up with your other stories as well!:)
7/15/2004 c14 10Yingzha
o_o THE END O_O whoa aw that's so swet =( Oh yeah and I think I know who you based Tristan on... he sorta reminds me of Darien from Sailor Moon xD the roses, the green jacket, cocky personality, the I'm a hero thing xP anyways awesome story! I'm going to miss reading it ;_;
7/14/2004 c14 9Phoebe Love
OH! I loved how you brought these two together (finally)! But, are you really going to make your faithful readers wait an entire year for the sequel! Oh, that is so cruel!
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