4/23/2005 c1 28Nickolaus Pacione
Not another Poppy Z. Brite clone, vampires been done to death and after you swiping at "The Fandom Writer" you deserve every bit of a harsh review I am giving you here. First the story sucks, and someone should've staked this one a long time ago. If you write shit like this, you shouldn't complain because I wrote a story like "Fandom" at least Fandom was more original than this is. Shouldn't this be found under fanfiction?
Not another Poppy Z. Brite clone, vampires been done to death and after you swiping at "The Fandom Writer" you deserve every bit of a harsh review I am giving you here. First the story sucks, and someone should've staked this one a long time ago. If you write shit like this, you shouldn't complain because I wrote a story like "Fandom" at least Fandom was more original than this is. Shouldn't this be found under fanfiction?
1/1/2005 c1 evil-kenshin
great way to end the story, though he is right it could easily be a cult that he went to and no one there was a vampire but at hte same time they could of all (Except the sacrifice) be vampires
great way to end the story, though he is right it could easily be a cult that he went to and no one there was a vampire but at hte same time they could of all (Except the sacrifice) be vampires