Just In
for They're Real

4/23/2005 c1 28Nickolaus Pacione
Not another Poppy Z. Brite clone, vampires been done to death and after you swiping at "The Fandom Writer" you deserve every bit of a harsh review I am giving you here. First the story sucks, and someone should've staked this one a long time ago. If you write shit like this, you shouldn't complain because I wrote a story like "Fandom" at least Fandom was more original than this is. Shouldn't this be found under fanfiction?
1/1/2005 c1 evil-kenshin
great way to end the story, though he is right it could easily be a cult that he went to and no one there was a vampire but at hte same time they could of all (Except the sacrifice) be vampires
7/12/2004 c1 not to be sarcastic
Well thats certainly...interesting. I like the way it ended.
7/6/2004 c1 17Cattails
That's great! It was really intriguing and the cliff-hanger ending was really well done! Loved it! Tata!

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