Just In
for Never Be Lost

8/28/2004 c1 37DarkFairie.RogueSpirit
I love Unicorns and this is a good poem about unicorns.
Keep writting
Dark Fairie
8/5/2004 c1 37KM Barringer
Well, I"m not really a cheery person, but I like this one. A bit too happy for me, but very well written and good!
7/17/2004 c1 7Captain JT
Dear Megan,
"Oh. Lok at the pretty Unicorns." A fine summary I suppose. HA. Although I dont usually go for poems without rhyme, this one has good imagery, and the unicorns are well described and cast in a light of mysticism. I like the 17th line. Seems paradoxical, and that is why I like it. Because the unicorn is different, and that line just seems to show that it is a creature of unearthly qualities. Yes, pretty ponies indeed.
Captain JT

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