Just In
for Getting Over Mr Jacob Frazier

11/29/2004 c5 k
like the story but i have to go to class so cant say much
11/22/2004 c4 Katy
I really like it so far, I added you to my author alert! Can't wait to read more.
9/13/2004 c1 Keighly
I really like this stort and hope you continue soon.
9/13/2004 c3 Taylor
I love this story. I knew it was coming yet still I was eager to see it. I can't wait till the next chapter.
9/11/2004 c3 Carla
You finally updated. I'd been waiting for this, and I'm happy to say it was worththe wait.I'm glad my e-mail payed off. You watched Jacob Frazier sleep in class? This is an actual person? Anyway Update Soon!
9/11/2004 c3 nohbdy
interesting story so far...
9/11/2004 c1 crazyangie07
i really enjoy this story please continue!
8/19/2004 c2 Carla
You caught my intrest the moment I read the title. I've loved what you've writen so far. Update soon.
7/19/2004 c2 FlamingHeart109
o very VERY good so far! I'd like to hear more about Jen and yeah...PLEASE update! :-)

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