Just In
for Intercourse!

4/11/2008 c3 Michelle
Great essay, it was helpful
5/3/2007 c3 28Erisah Mae
It's good to see that Someone is talking rationally about sex in our society- there is such a lot of drama about the most natural act! I mean, sheez, contrary to popular opinion, sex is not about ~phobias, or pregancy 'scares' or horrible debilitating diseases, or bloody casanovas... If someone wants to avoid all of that, then it's called abstinence, otherwise, it's a lottery as far as all those issues go, and so for the love of all things holy, use protection!

Says the exasperated virgin.

I appreciated the humour, and by the way, can I borrow your lifeguard?

8/24/2006 c3 87Chaos Apple
While this is TOTALLY halarious-it is also quite informative. Thank you for this. It's going on my faves.
7/11/2006 c3 56AsianScaper
Oh there we go. :) Lesbian-identified males are something you should try to explore.

"Could it be that all Christians are secretly gay? Or, dare I say it, that the Bible read backwards tells tales of prominent biblical figures’ dabbles in same sex shenanigans?" Major laughs on this one and some nods, I suspect!

I've been wondering if you do columns for a local paper or magazine. You ought to; you have a lot to impart, really.

"Homosexuality is not a disease, it is not something you catch, and what many have yet to realise is that it is not something to be fixed" Hear, hear!

Thank god somebody voiced this out: "It (bisexuality) is a sexual identity in itself." Hallelujah!

Hurrahs on the asexual theme. Gosh, I'm enjoying this essay more and more...
7/11/2006 c2 AsianScaper
Quotes I particularly liked:

"there is a world full of people out there who will be able and want to love you for the person you are, and not for just your tango."

"Teenagers are the most rebellious, horny, freedom seeking hooligans you will ever find to disgrace this earth"

And you should tackle virginity when it comes to same sex relations. :) Just a suggestion, of course. In all, I'm very sure this will inform an army of rebelious, horny, and freedom seeing hooligans.
7/11/2006 c1 AsianScaper
Thank you for the informative romp! :) Hahaha. Always loved your essays, dear. Keep writing! Especially liked that tirade about the dictionary being as helpful (or help-less) as one's mother.
1/15/2006 c3 11arachibutyrophobia
how sad that i've never heard of asexuality? and to think i'm taking health. well, i consitermyself informed, and consiter yourself thanked. i actually did have some odd questions floating in my head, and thank you for answeering them. i currently saw a movie in Heath about abstinance and it pissed me off, because the only message i got was that I had to wait for marriage because of God and the physical dangers. perhaps i only focused on those because i disagreed with them, but i did love the focus you put on the emotional impact that has NOTHING to do with religion and marriage.

but i actually do have 2 random questions, if u don't mind answering them. 1) what is the most effective combo (assuming effectiveness would lie also in combining) of prevention methods? 2) on a purely nosy level, i read somewhere that partners that wait to have sex till marriage are 3x less likely to have a divorce. true, that does have a lot to do with religious factors (waiting and general non-acceptance of divorce) as well as the whole idea of founding the relation on emotion, but my problem with that is - what if there's no sexual compatibility when it comes down to the "final deed"? just curious as to what you might think about that...
1/4/2006 c1 1Chasmal
seriously, this is the most enjoyable thing i've read in a long time. even though the subject was serious, you managed to make it entertaining. if teachers could do this, it would make health classes a lot easier :-)
12/21/2005 c3 7Unbirthday
I have to admit, when I read this title and summary on someone's favorite list, I was intrigued and laughing. Now that I've actually read it, I like how you write with humor and yet is quite serious about the subject matter. I did learn some new things and some things I had the wrong idea about (namely myths and whatnot). Thanks for writing this essay about a topic no one really outrightly discusses!
10/3/2005 c3 31Achlys Dyes Poetry
thank you

and once again, a very informative and entertaining essay you have here
8/19/2005 c3 64not sure yet
it says i reviewed the previous chapter, and i probably did, but i dont remember doing so...i dont remember reading it for that matter either, anywayz

good poem

this is an essay


informative and entertaining

there should be an orientation called ive never heard of sex so leave me alone


its a fun word

k, bye
7/13/2005 c3 52Liviania
Thank you very much for this section!I'm especially happy with this because I'm an asexual-and believe me, most of the time when you tell someone that's your orientation they just give you a confused *look*.And from my own experience I think you covered it well. One of the most important mentions being that asexuals still find others attractive and enjoy companionship/intimacy, but just aren't interested in sex.

6/19/2005 c3 3Ballerina with a Gun
HA. Very interesting! I like!
6/4/2005 c3 12345678912356789deletedelete
so glad to see you back! This was a very interesting chapter, very informative and not in the least bit judgemental which was great to see. Sexuality is a rather confusing thing...I think I'm straight, but I have experimented (havn't we all)? but I get annoyed by some peoples views on sexuality...people need to stop thinking of straight/gay as black and white issues - love is something unexpected and unexplainable and should hold no boundaries, not age/race/social class/religion...or sex.
6/3/2005 c3 46AngelaSolis
Excellent stuff! Another humourously well-written and informative chapter. I agree with you about everything! The gay thing is interesting ... the limited research I've done, says it seems to come down to the amount of testosterone you receive when you get the second shot in the womb ... which then determines your sexuality ... thus accounting for feminine men and masculine women. So, if this is so, then religion, especially Islam and Hinduism, where homosexuality is (openly at least) zero tolerated, has a lot to answer for. It seems a little unfair to discriminate against someone born with (insert congenital abnormality of choice)... something that they couldn't help. When you're in those countries, it's very common to see guys walking around hand in hand ... which apparently doesn't mean anything much there, but here, where we're supposed to be tolerant, we'd immediately label them gay!

Also, we have to remember that our most commonly-read version of the bible is the one written in the 17th century and whoever translated it, probably skewed it to the religious mores of the time. I mean who knows what Jesus and his merry men were really up to way back when when it was all peace and love, man. Sheesh! I should be writing my own essay! Sorry! I get carried away! There's one thing that bothers me about lesbianism though ... which is ... if the feminine lesbian didn't get much testosterone second time round ... why doesn't she like guys? Answer that one!Hope you'll write more.
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