Just In
for Intercourse!

6/1/2005 c3 61Stories-have-souls
Wow, I'm impressed, this must have taken ages to write :)
6/1/2005 c2 Stories-have-souls
SO FUNNY. I keep laughing.
6/1/2005 c1 Stories-have-souls
Cool essay, funny and informative, well researched...my only problem with it is that my mum's a doctor who frequently deals with sexually active teenagers, and she says that it is unwise to use just a condom during intercourse as its failure rate is certainly much higher than 1%.
5/31/2005 c3 3Krismet
You are awesome! This is both informative, educational, and amusing. Good for you! It's nice to see someone out there writing sex essays/informing people about sex in a way that does not seem either fake, or a horrible system that leaves out half the information. Hehe. Keep up the wonderful work! ^^
5/31/2005 c3 acccountkiller
Lol, what about piesexuality? 'cause you have to face it chica, something's a bit worrying about the whole pie obsession...ah...stupid joke..so tired...I thought you were dead or something for a while there, as it's been months! I love this...it really is educating, and when I see how little people know, the world really needs these essays! wot and pie for you! love, mia
5/31/2005 c3 Elle
LMFAO! that was great! this essay doesn't take the normal road your others do, it is in fact more informative than most of your other essays combined (on an educational level... the rest are funny as hell). so...mhhm. this leads me to question MY sexually. at the present moment i am finding the female form REALLY attractive but i don't want to take it any further then 'admiring from afar' because that just doesn't float my boat for some reason. i think voyeurism should be a real fear for me :S. god, i hope that is not the case for me right now. yech. Nothing creepier then a peeping tom…. So what is my deal? I dare you to evaluate... I am waiting for the fateful day when my grandmother sits me down and asks me the same question she asked my dear cousin jennifer, due to our lack of interest in the male population. "Are YOU gay?"... kind of like those Uncle Sam posters that say "America wants YOU!"... ah, I love my nan.

This leads me to another point. I believe I mentioned in a prior review that the people I affiliate with make up a female to male ratio of 1:4. and they still do... and we STILL, the children we are, have explicit conversations focused on sexual orientation. You would be surprised how many guys would have a threesome with another guy and girl if the girl was attractive enough... shaking of that tangent... I one day made mention of asexuality and they all stared at me like I had grown a second head and a tail to compliment. They had no idea what it was and had never heard of it AND they didn’t believe me... wankers. But that’s not the point. I think that it is not addressed well enough, and I believe you may get some people reviewing saying "I had never heard of asexuality". Hm, so roughly ten percent of the population are homosexual? I have roughly sixty people in my grade at school so on estimate 6 people in my year have a same sex orientation. Interesting... a few of the guys in my year have left me with questions and even the odd girl who groped my arse (this is how I know my sexual orientation is either dead or swinging towards men... i've had the offers and they didn't interest me) has left me wondering but I never felt the numbers were that great. If you include bisexuality in that category then I’d tell you to increase the percentile, but you did not.

On my last issue, before I leave you with this LONG long review, I just wanted to address Christianity’s interest in homosexuality. and it, some what similar to my nan, are trying to deduce who is gay for their future references. My great aunt is gay, so im constantly aware that this 'affliction', as some elderly people refer to it, is not prescribed to our generation alone, nor the last three. It is, and has always been a part of humanity since the dawn of time, dare I use that clichéd phrase. I have a friend who is male and gets crushes on guys... he won’t admit it but I think it’s cute. That was a bit random.. anyway. A friend of mine, who recently had an abortion, said the people who performed the abortion were constantly telling her about how god can help her see the 'light'. i thought 1)- they were bored 2)- they thought she was christian or from other sort of faith or 3)- they were recruiting (like uncle sam!... see? a full circle) This lead me to think about everything else, like their schools and funded shelters... its all done to 'attack' people, I dare say, at their weakest point *dodges bullets* to eventually get them to transverse over to their religion. It is diabolical and I have no idea why I hadn't deduced this earlier *smacks self*. I know many may or may not agree with me but im paranoid and like to keep myself entertained so NAGH! *pokes tongue out, then grins cheekily*. Cya later!

5/20/2005 c2 3spikedmango
Heh, very funny and informative. and lots more comfortable than learning about it and school or from parents. Keep up the good work ;) (geese, I sound like Mr. Rogers or something)
5/16/2005 c1 46AngelaSolis
Have you ever considered a career in going round schools doing amusing Sex Ed. talks? You'd be brilliant, seriously! You get the facts over, while being humourous at the same time.Even better - you'll never succumb to any of these unwanted sexual side-effects hopefully!
4/21/2005 c2 81TwystedFate
No Rubba, no Hubba Hubba!

*pretty much dead*
1/15/2005 c1 9Lyssa O
Sex Sex Sex. And More sex.

Ahh, the young and the lustful. What a killer combination. Well, at least my hormones aren't as wild as a boar's. [actually, do boars' have wild hormones?]

anyway, this is a very lighthearted health lecture, way better than what i learn in health. the lack of graphic pictures...is a pleasant proxy.

and, of course, with my lack of ANY sexual encounters [which i gladly accept!], knowing all this is such a friendly way of keeping me vigilant. at least, if any of my friends ever get sexually involved with their boyfriends [because God forbid me to be able to snag one :( ], i can help them be safe, by relaying what i learned from you to them! but that's only IF any of them decide to come to me.

you have such an ingenious mind; kind of like a 'Sex for Dummies' book. I wonder if they have one... Haha, even if they do, yours is better to read. Because duh, it's reader friendly! And, i suppose it's more directed to our own age group, and any 'Sex for Dummies' book is probably intended for the more mature...well, not exactly seeing as they actually need to read that book for sex references.

I say, "Refer to Annabelle's adroit essay, 'The Ins and Outs of Intercourse!'"

Sex. What would the world be without it? Answer: Unhappy, unpopulated, Unsterile.

Whoo! Abstinence!
1/10/2005 c2 Elle
that was damn funny. i can't say it was informing because the topic of discussion when in regards to my friends resides in sex. partly because my two best friends are astoundingly accomplished and have kept the company of many men over the years, and mostly because i am friends with hoards men *coughboyscough*. though they do have their 'no go' policy which includes anything anal (the girls that is). you'd be surprised how many guys wouldn't mind the pinky to slip and yet they call them selves straight? what is the definition of straight? maybe you should question sexual identity in another 'layer'. i remember once in a magazine compiled for hormone driven girls there was a reader who had written in asking if she was homosexual. she then proceeded to describe an occurance at a party in an up stairs bedroom(isn't that where it all happens:that was me taking a swing at stereotypes:) where she was intimatly invovled with another girl, in turn, her descriptions bought all the rights to the title. the magazines reply was 'no, you're just experimenting' (only in more detail). where does the line between experimenting and kinky/homosexual or bisexual/and all the other stuff most mothers would screech at bare minimal mention of, end? is there a 'graduation' that i don't know about- something played on the hush- or is experimenting just a euphemism for down right kinky? (which is not bad! *holds hands up in defence*). i am aware the contents of this review will never see the bright lights of this informing information of sorts. Yet i urge you be daring and use your talents to make this 'tasteful'- a quality i lack- and include it in another chapter/s. 'sexual identity' and 'experimenting' are the preferred terms i believe. though the latter might test you in your abilities...counting down her demise, Elle...p.s.-i know you will insist on my shooting- no matter how immense the government of australia sways from capital punishment- but what is shiznas? put it on your author main page thingamajigga seems i don't have an account please?
12/22/2004 c1 243Manuel Fajar
I got to your website from a recommendation from Renae Maia's FP site. I read your advice from a somewhat aloof point of view (having been celibate for roughly three years due to an extended separation and being old enough that testosterone doesn't control my eyes and nose anymore.) I agree with most of your comments, but having 4 college age kids that are all virgins (2 men, 2 women) I'd tell you that there's something about waiting for the 'right person' and 'commitment' before giving your body to someone that might still be having problems with words like 'responsibility.' I'd also say that the woman should always insist (unless in a long term relationship) that the man wear a condom—the woman can lose so much—especially fertility, from a guy's careless passing on of a grunch of diseases. & Ladies—I'd make the SOB wash his hands before he touched any of my gentler parts—he does it before he eats doesn't he because he's worried about putting the germs inside him, right? & Finally—the anal sphincter is not meant to be a sexual toy—it's a good way to assist in the spread of HIV and other STDs as well. Anyway, final fuddy-duddy words—enjoy, but do some research on your partner; when you get to be my age and still give blood every two months because you've never had an STD, it's a good feeling. Life's not a 100 meter dash to run in 9.3 seconds—it's a long distance race that evolves over years. Enjoy—the thrill of danger adds so much spice—but the sureness of safety can lead to true fulfilment. m
12/3/2004 c2 28Diana Shore
This was informative, entertaining and well written.

If I had any friends, I would definately recommend that they read this. So, I will just add this to my favorites.

Take care, D.
11/30/2004 c2 64not sure yet
ehehehehe, no new information for me but muchly fun to read anywayz, well written and entertaining to read as well, muchly kool
11/29/2004 c2 3gypsy madamme
this was informative and i like how u just put everything on paper or word or wherever. two things. i don't know if u know about gurl.com but they have some good resource material on this stuff. the second thing is about the masturbation. i read somewhere and of course i can't remeber where, but two much of it kinda numbs u. apparently there's a kind of chemical build up or sum so. it's a fairly recent study just completed.
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