Just In
for Born Free

11/15/2004 c1 Blank1379
I know the feeling.
8/24/2004 c1 128i-kill-4-fun
u are so my hero
8/17/2004 c1 29Livi Z
Wow, what can I say about this? Lets see...Its short, sweet, and to the point, with a deeper meaning behind it...or its the suger going to me head. Anywho, good job!
7/30/2004 c1 5Bleedingtree
I like it tons. the idea has been used before but i don't know you present it differently, you know? you make the idea seem fresh and new..
Good job
7/28/2004 c1 81daphnegray78
Wow. I really like the way you went from a hopeful tone in the beginning to a cynical one in the end. Awesome, awesome work.
7/19/2004 c1 185Grim-reaper-Zakku
i likes it, good job
7/16/2004 c1 612simpleplan13
wow.. very true.. short but awesome
7/12/2004 c1 Brandy Bear
this is very true nice write
7/12/2004 c1 10Rebecca Kelsey
Reminds me of people. We are born 'free' but then with all the pressures of life we become inslaved with ideas and dreams. Great poem.
7/12/2004 c1 361Gleechumber
This is sad because it's true. Well written, beautiful piece.

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