Just In
for Sacrifice Me

11/15/2004 c1 Blank1379
Good description. Nice and short. "Leaves more time for drinking." Sorry, had to say that. (any longer and I think I would've stopped because it totally creeped me out)
8/24/2004 c1 128i-kill-4-fun
u r amazing
8/9/2004 c1 87Romantic Squirrel
wheres the incense? good poem dude.
7/28/2004 c1 81daphnegray78
Whoa. Creepy imagery. I like it. Great job!
7/24/2004 c1 5Bleedingtree
wow. just wow... with golden knives... i find myself.. wow.
7/20/2004 c1 612simpleplan13
creepy as always... nice repition
7/20/2004 c1 10Rebecca Kelsey
Cool... a little odd but cool. On the altar: burning candles, knives, and yourself. Very interesting.
7/19/2004 c1 69MayaJade
Wow... I just thought of a complete room and maybe a story to go with that... So descriptive
~ClearKiss XOXO
7/19/2004 c1 Brandy Bear
i really wouldnt want to find my self apon the altar good job

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