Just In
for The Puppet King

2/8/2005 c3 15Callipygian
Poor dude, hasn't he been through enough? Now he has to deal with a short man? At least he's go his powers now.
2/4/2005 c2 Callipygian
I'm just loving this story more and more! It made me snicker most of the way through...now i'm going to try the next chapter with out getting caught...here i goes...
2/4/2005 c1 Callipygian
I love this story! It's so cute and clever! I want to read the other chapters and i will...but teacher lurking behind me 0.0; got to go, keep writting!
12/1/2004 c3 quill588
Hi your story is really good, please continue and make the updates longer. If i had to complain it would be for something rather silly but i have to say it... too much bad language, i really don't think use of bad words helps to progress your story so i believe they can be cut out, however keep in mind that they also don't spoil the story,you can leave them in or out other than that your story rocks it reminds me of those Terry Pratchett novels. Superbly entertaining stuff. Bye.
9/4/2004 c2 44The Lady of Storms
heh...now you must continue on...I would give a threat like you gave me, but considering on how nice I am *cough* Im just going to...erm...wait
8/30/2004 c2 em0tic0n
i love it how you wrote the summary, it sounds so interesting and mysterious! i'm very intrigued by the plotline and i'm hoping you update soon!
Good on ya!
8/25/2004 c2 59Ixel the Pixel
o... veery interesting! I can't wait to see where this leads! Please update soon! :)
8/19/2004 c2 11wyldcat
Hey, why did Julian's hands glow blue? And what did he realise? Anyway, I hope he kills Tort (probably will, right?). And Julian's got a weird sense of humour. That's all, so keep writing!
8/18/2004 c1 theatreoftheabsurd
Bonjour, 'tis me! lol. Anyway, I've taken far too long to do this...
Ah, first person. You write this quite well. I love Julian's sarcastic manner... 'he had more power in his left foot...' - lol. The humour in the piece makes it much more of a pleasant and entertaining read - I love serious stories with a little bit of laughter now and then. "Sup? What the hell.." - hehe, like it.
Your choice of names for the countries is very interesting - why the Greek influence?
"The last time I went on vacation, you had sister beheaded" - hm, I can see the reason for his concern... ^_^ But, more seriously, I do wonder what he's planning.
great stuff!
- sofi x
"Brother Julian" - nothing wrong with this really, it's just that this mode of address makes Julian sound like a priest... or a monk...
-"before I stormed the capitol single handedly" - 'capital', not 'capitol'
8/13/2004 c2 14biminator
ooh. that sucks. that really sucks. having a chunk of your ass hacked off and replaced. update soon.
8/11/2004 c2 3The Naked Emperor
Sw33t! I love this chappie! It was hilarious! You better update soon or i'll thrice damn you to the deepest pits of hell!
7/27/2004 c1 14biminator
hm. intriguing story so far. yes, as many have said, Tort is an "a$$". well written, anyway. update soon.
7/24/2004 c1 3The Naked Emperor
Woot! Great story so far! ^^
Tort may be an a$$hole, but he knows how to use his power. Can't wait to read what happens next! *adds to author alert*
7/24/2004 c1 11wyldcat
Interesting story you got so far. I wonder if the King's planning something again. And just wondering, what's the narrator's name?
7/23/2004 c1 3Larania Mahera
It is very good. I hate Tort. He is nothing but a big pompous, arrogant, self absorbed a$$. He killed his own sister. That's just wrong.

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