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for Close Encounters, Inc

1/12/2014 c24 freedom2619
I am not the type of reader who always post reviews, but when I do is bacause the story is AMAZING! and that is the case here. I had come across this story many times but it never catch my attention, and oh I was wrong! I star reading it and could stop, it was that good! love the interaction of the MC. I guess ur story is the main reason I should not jugde a story by it summery.
1/20/2013 c24 HeadOverHeelsInHate
Oh my god! I love this story! The characters have such interesting personalities and Alyssa and Troy are so freaking cute! Such wonderful chemistry! Eee! Awesome!
12/17/2012 c24 2Hope.Love.Dreams
I absolutely loved this! You are an amazing writer and I just loved the plot and characters. Congratulations and thank you.
10/13/2012 c24 mylittleprincess
great story!
10/8/2012 c21 2Lonelystarr77
Absolutely LOVE this story. Please continue the sequel you started. I love these two and their sexual tension! Pleasee!
8/19/2012 c13 Alice in Wanderland
I think this was my favorite chapter, lol. You can just feel the sexual tension sizzling in the room!
8/4/2012 c1 3fellintothemoon
Hello, hun! It's Melissa from ADoR. We've been rewriting our old reviews and yours has recently gone up on the site! Here's your rewrite:

Melissa Thinks: Running a matchmaking and makeover service is not as easy and fun as it sounds. Three best friends, Terry, Hailey, and Alyssa, pick out two people each month who they feel need a confidence boost. A full makeover is preformed and then a "coming out" party is held in order to show off the new look. They also service guys and girls who want an introduction into someone's life, someone they may have a crush on or have loved from afar. The most wanted man on campus? Troy: the arrogant jackass who Alyssa detests. In his mind these introductions are messing with fate. He'll do anything to get a rise out of Alyssa, including trying to ruin her business.

In the case of Close Encounters, Inc. everything seemed almost perfect. I loved the writing, the voice of Alyssa, the funny dialogue. Troy was adorably mean to Alyssa throughout the story and sparks between them flew in masses. Terry, Hailey, Gabe, and Nicole provided the perfect supporting characters with their own little side stories and strong characteristics. A tiny issue I had with the story was the plot. At times there seemed to be a little too much going on, or too many sub plots. fazzingaway wrote a wonderfully creative hate/love story that caught my attention just from the summary. Hopefully you'll be just as interested in delving into a great story such as this.
7/9/2012 c24 1MissKukyMonster
Great story! Thank you for sharing!
6/9/2012 c3 ClosetReader
I like it! Feels Emma-ish!
6/5/2012 c24 1wishings
Great story! I don't know if you still use fictionpress but - your story was really good and I really enjoyed reading about Alyssa, Troy, Terry and Hayley :D It kept me up till 3am in the morning - it was that good hehe. Glad I could find a good story on here since I've read.. most of them. Thanks for writing this! (:
6/5/2012 c1 carleyshake
I love it!
5/24/2012 c24 Shadow Kissed Twilight
I absolutely loved this story. :) It was an excellent read and had me laughing from the start. I am a sucker for hate-love relationships. Thanks for writing it. :)
4/6/2012 c24 dreeming
SO much cuteness *flail* X3
3/17/2012 c24 8CrazyCowgirl101
Pure amazingness :)
11/13/2011 c24 mallow.puff
I do like this story very much! Your writing was nice and had a great flow. The characters were so loveable with their different traits and quirks. Most of all, it wasn't overly cliché and I applaud you on that. Definitely one of my faves.
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