Just In
for Hidden Identity: Rags to Royalty

7/27/2004 c1 silver
wow... nice story... please update soon... and maybe you can switch this story into third person and put it up in fanfiction... because it's very good...
7/27/2004 c1 christiangrl247
Update soon! Please! You left me hanging! Who is the prince? Why is Yasmine horrified?
7/27/2004 c1 anonimus
Erm, I haven't read your story yet, but how come the title is so similar to 'Unsuspecting Lady:Rags to Riches'? This story is by Tessandra, and you have one of her other stories in your Favourite Stories. o.O?
Lol, not I sound lyk an old miser..nah, I just found it weird. Btw, I lyk the summary, I'll read this story one the weekend^^
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