Just In
for To Save the World

8/4/2004 c1 80The Magician Joseph
awesome I loved it. STUPID PREACHER WOMAN CAN'T SAVE THE WORLD I AM WINNING HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHA! Oh! sorry, I really like the descriptions in it.
8/1/2004 c1 3Frenzied-Thespian
How can you even think my poems are worth reading... you're in a completely different...realm. You're up there with he greats Poe, Angelou, and Dickens to name a few. Its like you've been writing for decades. You seem to be able to capture every facet of the emotion in question. Every tear, ever laugh, every... EVERYTHING...lol. Sorry I must be embarrassing you. ttyl.
7/31/2004 c1 30saiya-jinmira
oh my god...this is probably your best poem ever. I was so moved by this poem . man yet again my poems pale in comparison and I must bow to you the master of this marvelous creation. I loved it. Kepp up the fricken awesome work! you may hit a writers block but when you break free from it wow! Mira
7/31/2004 c1 13JudgementMathew
wow this is great unbelievable.
7/30/2004 c1 daughterofmidnight
I've felt that way so many times. great job

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