Just In
for The inartificial and the unnatural

1/30/2005 c12 10pecado
lol. writer's block... yeah, that happens to everyone. you've got a wonderful collection of haikus here! love them.

-your pecado-
9/14/2004 c1 243Manuel Fajar
Sounds like a little clear symphony. -m-
8/22/2004 c8 168SeaVoi
Oh my gosh, your a odd one! lol! :)
8/22/2004 c1 SeaVoi
I like this its so calm!
8/15/2004 c10 29KhalidahTiaret
This is my favorite.. I love them all, though!
Again, beautiful work.
8/9/2004 c6 LuthienLuin
I love Chopin! I play piano and really appreciated this haiku, you can feel the ebb and flow of the waltz. And thank you for reviewing me!
8/9/2004 c10 127Eirien
Lovely and touching. I love the sweet, tentative offer of love expressed here, I can relate. The "if you allow me" nicely frames the poem as the prereqisite on which the love depends. Beautiful piece.
8/9/2004 c7 Eirien
Wow. This is the strongest one so far. Very effective, great surprise effect in the last line. Awesome poem.
8/9/2004 c5 Eirien
Very inventive, I like the unusual idea in this, that our artificial lights outshine the stars, and I like the kind of negative evaluation of that coming in in the last line.
8/9/2004 c4 Eirien
*lol* quite witty. ;-)
8/9/2004 c3 Eirien
I like the perspective, looking through the glass into the inside of other houses (as well as out of one's own?). Nice atmosphere and message. ;-)
8/9/2004 c1 Eirien
Beautiful. I like the ways this can be read on a literal as well as a metaphorical level, how small actions/ things can set a lot into motion and have a huge effect. Lovely piece.
8/7/2004 c7 33Tiefling
Very moving. All of these are great.
8/7/2004 c3 Tiefling
I like it.
8/7/2004 c1 Tiefling
Pretty. Is 'inartificial' a word?
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