Just In
for Random Thoughts on a Lonely Evening

9/4/2004 c1 32pointythings
This is really beautiful; I like the detail. I especially like "humid sound of silence."
8/24/2004 c1 30a e i o u and sometimes y
I liked this, very good descriptions. Sent a very good mental image to my mind. Keep writing ^^
8/7/2004 c1 7Captain JT
Dear Megan,
This poem does seem rather lonely, but not as much random. This is a unique poem, rather laid back with some comparisons that are a little mismatched. Overall, this captures, with only minimum coverage, the mood of what seems like the end of a dog day of summer... a lonely one at that. This is a random-thought genre poem I suppose, and for that I do think it is simplistic, but at least enjoyable.
Captain JT
8/7/2004 c1 Blood Stained Tourniquet
Not bad Megan. I like the descriptions you gave. Bravo!

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