Just In
for Jackie and Jesse

2/7/2005 c1 7Lola Sanchez
You should enter these in a short story compeition, youd deserve to win.
8/13/2004 c1 20Ariel S
Very nicely written. I like how it's not the normal "as seen on TV" because it actually makes sense. Nicely written indeed.
8/12/2004 c1 70this is britt
Great job! You always write the sex scenes in a really good way, like, you make it seem so beautiful. Which this story was. It made me feel a little happier.
8/11/2004 c1 Crazy-Word-Painter
Definetly R, but definetly good. I love Jesse, he's just so sweet... and innocent. He almost begs to be loved. Aw... I'm going to cry! I WANT A JESSE!
8/11/2004 c1 4Knightmare Elite
This was a good story here. I have to admit I'm not really into the whole uber sensitive guy thing. I mean damn Jesse was a wimp. But I understand the effect you were going here. You executed it very well. There were a few rough spots within the story. However they didn't detract from the overall enjoyment. Still it would have been nice to include deeper descriptions especially on the emotional aspects of both characters. Like I said before this like all your other works is very well done. Keep on writing.

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