Just In
for Rising With Footprints

7/5/2005 c1 7TigHan
why haven't i read this?

anyways, i really like this poem. i think it's one of my favorites of yours. i think it's kinda... well... it's so convincing. i can really imagine it saying, 'this is what i want' and seeing as that's what the poem's trying to convey i would say you've done a good job!
3/17/2005 c1 26inspiredisia
wow. i wonder why i hadn´t read this before. very important what you´re saying: remember to stand up for yourself. be sure to continue your great story- obsession.
8/22/2004 c1 40singingspeechless
very well written. good poem.
8/13/2004 c1 7queend87
thanks for reviewing my work!
This poem is succinct and empowering. I'm glad you found your strength after the misery and pain endured.
"reality is hard to discern" certainly rings true. :)
8/12/2004 c1 7David Sparrow
I thought your poem was great.

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