Just In
for Get out, Bush, Leave!

4/12/2006 c1 Javeria
i really like this poem. You got a little help from Jojo's Leave(Get Out),huh?It's really nice how you put it together with your poem.
3/21/2006 c1 Accoount Killer
Two more years of Bush's presidency before we could vote for our next president! Yay! I can't wait! LOL (I know it's a long time, but you just got to hold on. At least I'm trying to.)

So anyway, I have also written a song parody about Bush called "A Stupid Lucky Parody About President Bush". It's a spoof off of Britney Spears' "Lucky", but instead I use Dumbass in the lyrics so you can check it out if you're interested. I really like your song parody. And if you don't like KAB's review, just delete it and if Brown Eyed Queen is asking you what Bush is doing that is so horrible, tell him/her about the Hurricane Katrina tradegy, the fact that men and women who are in Iraq are dying because of a war that we don't believe in, etc. If that person doesn't listen, then that's really sad, because to me, people like that don't really value human life and don't really care how someone's actions affects other people.

If you need me, you know where to find me. (My email's in my profile) ^_~
3/10/2006 c1 Jazzalyn
5/31/2005 c1 GoodBye Everybody
This poem is a triumph...unfortunately, Bush is still our President and is here to stay...the majority of America is obviously blinded from Bush's true intentions, but at least we and the rest of the world know the truth.

*The Mighty Sisto*
1/23/2005 c1 DevushkaKota

Hehehe, this is good. Even better since I know the song.

Do svidaniya!^_^

10/22/2004 c1 DPfan
I don't think your accusations are true because I think that Bush has done a better job than Kerry ever will. So get ready for another 4 years. And the words are way off beat with the song like you said.
9/2/2004 c1 Baolo
"It seems to me he's done pretty good job since he got elected!"
AS IF! He's got us into a WAR with no baises what so ever and America is now hated across the globe. Gore and Clinton would have done a much better job all hands down.America is so in soo much danger now!
8/27/2004 c1 21Ovaia Pelosa
YA! damn right were gonna get him crushed! send dubya back to crawford (or to the upperclass yuppie connecticut town he was born in, for that matter)
8/25/2004 c1 3Marisa Rae
So...what did Bush do that was so horrible? It seems to me he's done pretty good job since he got elected! A lot better than Gore would've done, and much better than Clinton ever did!
8/21/2004 c1 21Nameless Melancholy
HAHAHA WELL SAID! A true democrat at heat (I think). Awesome...
8/19/2004 c1 Giraffe 63
Quite interesting. Nice job.
8/17/2004 c1 ABB2004
Hey...as far as that clown goes, you should just delete his review. I would. I agree with everything you say entirely. Bush has got to go. Damn warmonging monkey.
8/17/2004 c1 232karmakaze
Although you should have given Jojo credit, that's really great! I didn't know you could put parodies here, I love writing them. Maybe I'll start posting mine here too.
8/17/2004 c1 libyanpoet
KAB, I can't help but think that the reason you don't like it is because you support Bush. But I respect your opinion.
8/17/2004 c1 libyanpoet
KAB, I can't help but think that the reason you don't like it is because you support Bush. But I respect your opinion.
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