Just In
for The Edge of Insanity

3/31/2005 c1 Aryanda
wow. i am, for the first time, at a loss for words. this was truly...marvelous!
2/3/2005 c1 Aryanda
Exactly. except, my dad just ignores me, and my mom jusy...well...doesn't seem to notice that i have feelings too. i'm babbling. anyways, good.
8/22/2004 c1 7dreamerdoll
wow. i loved it. very very very good...the title was cool, btw...such an awesome poem thingie...i know, im babbling...sorry!
8/21/2004 c1 8Faceless Shaddow
You do know I'm very worried now, don't you?
8/21/2004 c1 137Ria Mala
Depressing, but pretty all the same. This poem is so full of pain, yet it's still very well written.

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