Just In
for Against All Odds

2/11/2010 c37 chika
i love this chapter really. unfortunately you have to remove it because of those plagiarists who claims your work. Against all odds is still my favorite story. come to think of it, it's 10 times better than Twilight. if i were you i would publish this as a book, who knows we'll be watching it one day in the big screen.

love your work.:)
2/10/2010 c1 LehCarXRachel
Eh. T_T Im so dumb.

Great start! I should've checked if this story was discontinued before I got all into it.. haha
2/7/2010 c41 6DolphinWriter88
I love you for deleting this story from FictionPress and I hope you all the best with your LiveJournal community.

Forever and Always,

2/6/2010 c1 mamc2609
the story is just so different from anything i've read on the internet the plot is really interesting and i just read the first chapter. keep it up!
2/5/2010 c1 AleahHidaya
I love Ryan Henderson. I wish i am Raleigh.

apart from that- i always found ryan as a real human being...

against all odds is my favorite roamntic story..
2/3/2010 c2 theloverslife
I was wondering. Would you mind sending me this story? Surely you have it somewhere on your computer, could you email it to me? It looks EXTREMELY interesting and I swear I won't copy anything. I just want to read it. I'd rather not make a livejournal account and I do understand why you took it down. Plagiarism sucks. You can trust me, I just want to read it. I like reading these stories. :)

So...? Reply soon, please!

1/28/2010 c1 3ShawnBassett
Well, this seems interesting... I was directed here from "Everybody Hates Logan", and as I'm very interested in seeing what happens/happened with him, I s'pose I should read up about Ryan and Raleigh first. Given the direction the first chapter has taken, I'll be waiting for her to tear at least a strip off that arrogant attitude he's got going. I like her fiery disposition, though. She seems like she would be fun to write. I would subscribe to your updates, but we know the situation behind that. Definitely looking forward to finishing these on LJ.
1/14/2010 c1 anotulokmo
aw :( i really really loved this story.. too bad it was removed :( wish to read more of your works, myrika :)
1/5/2010 c1 kaydot
I think that this was the story that started my addiction to reading stories online (: It gave me the same emotions that The Notebook did.
12/28/2009 c1 11921
just want to say this is my favorite story of all time:)
12/21/2009 c1 Pseudonym59
Wow, this is really good. The idea is original with a flair. Your writing style is sophistacated but easy to understand and relate to. Great job! Stupid plagiarists. They are SO irritable. It happened to me once. Grr...
12/15/2009 c1 Trory316
I keep rereading this chapter because it's so, so good! I'm applying at PH because I really would love to continue to read this story. Also, I thought I had reviewed this story previously, but I can't seem to find my comment to confirm that I had. So I thought I'd just post it now letting you know how incredible this story starts out and how much I truly want to read the rest! Great job and hopefully I'll be added on PH so I can leave more in depth reviews!
12/11/2009 c1 1c.cheung
hey! i read your story before, so i wanted to reread it. i can't believe that you got plagiarized too! you're one of my favourite authors. hopefully i can join plagiarismhaven! :)
12/11/2009 c1 miniritzbitz
I love your story, too bad I couldn't finish it. I really liked your story line and the characters. Hopefully I can join your livejournal !
12/6/2009 c2 sdyedanney
hey there! found ur story but it was removed so i wasn't able to read the rest of it. i have a LJ site but i dunno how to find ur link to ur stories... love ur stories but i can't seem to finish it til the end as it's all removed due to plagiarism... how i''ll be able to read it. if i can get the link to your LJ homepage, i'd be delighted. thanks a lot!
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