Just In
for I Never Needed You

2/11/2007 c10 hellomoto
please keep going i thought you had completely given up on this story
4/4/2006 c9 hellomoto
this is such a good story i was wondering if you had carried one but posted it somewhere else
2/27/2006 c9 ClaimingUntoughable
hey keep up the good work
12/14/2005 c9 35blacksunrise
update soon pleases !excellant job !
7/30/2005 c1 1SiobhanO
7/15/2005 c9 Princess Pixie ice
YO! i FINALLY got around to reading this! Loved it! HURRAY MY BOOK CMOES OUT 2DAY! so i'm out! update SOON!
7/14/2005 c9 DarkenedXtasy
Please update this soon! I can't wait to find out what happens next!
7/14/2005 c9 Kezza
Good Chapter! I liked it! Update SOON!
7/12/2005 c9 7Love Eternally
I loved it. I'm sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, but I have trouble keeping up with things if you've ever looked at my stories on ff.net and this place. I hate that part of being an author. You get focused on one out of many stories and it gets hard. But I love this and hope you update soon. Love Eternally.
7/12/2005 c9 JustLikeMe91
It's about time you updated! Just joking, but I can't wait until school starts frot them. That should make for some interesting stuff
7/12/2005 c9 7Lola Sanchez
this is one of my fave stories...and i love the way Charity opened up- it was sweet, and aww at Chris agreeing to take things slowly. not all guys would do that, and he proves to be a real gent...for now...next please, been too long!
6/18/2005 c8 2RaNDoM mOnKEys
love references to Evenesence and Maralon Manson. I dont think I have reviewed before but I have read all ur story. Actually im really lazy with reviews, but I like this story and I think that u should up date it. As I often do, but never get asked to, I would love to offer a few suggestions if u have writers block. just email me. any way up date soon.
4/22/2005 c8 9Sunshine Knight
I LOVED THE STORY! Please update soon and i love this! ITs original and hte girl isn't a bimbo like in ur bimbo squad. Please update soon!
4/19/2005 c8 Kezza
Good Chapter. Not much happened but it was still good. Update SOON!
4/17/2005 c8 ClaimingUntoughable
hey i just love this chapter hope u can write more very soon
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