Just In
for I Never Needed You

4/17/2005 c8 JustLikeMe91
Welcome back to fictionpress! I would say nice chapter, but it was a bit anti-climactic, sinc u haven't updated in a long time. But, beggars can't be choosers. Hope you update soon!
4/17/2005 c8 shaz
Not really much going on, but still an enjoyable chapter...please update sooner.
4/17/2005 c4 Emilea
heya. udpate soon! great stuff...
4/16/2005 c3 4lindserly
hey i was too lazy to sign in before. umm i just wanted to say that ifigured mike would have a thing for dianna. cute.
4/16/2005 c1 lindserly
i like the story. and the title.
3/21/2005 c7 Stargirl
I love this storyI hope you haven't abandoned it!update soon!
1/10/2005 c1 1Shorty Baby
PLEASE CONITNUE I BEG OF YOU! I am in love with this story. I think it is the viper!
12/23/2004 c7 6Adders721
Sorry I didn't review! I was busy and things just caught up with me! Can't wait for more! I like how Charity destracted him!~adders~
11/17/2004 c7 Kezza
I really enjoyed this chapter and i can't wait for more. Update SOON!
11/17/2004 c7 6feelingshortofstable
You have such entertaining conversations between your characters that I love reading your writing. Keep it up! Charity and Christian seem good together...
11/15/2004 c7 JustLikeMe91
This was a funny chapter!
11/15/2004 c7 Princess Pixie Ice
HO BOY! LOOK ITS MY NAME! hehehe. I LOVE IT! its SO cute...*pout* i want a christian lol. AWW why no more Trials of Love huh? I LOVE it 2 lol. *sigh* i wish i had no more gov't...no such luck. TTYL! UPDATE SOONER!:)
11/15/2004 c7 7Love Eternally
Awesome chapter. Loved the pjs. I happen to have a pair like hers that are grey with Penguins. Talk about coincidence huh? Also. To bad your taking Trials of Love off, I loved that story. But anyways back to I Never Needed You. Awesome chapter, my best friend and I always act like Charity and her friend. Only we say Lylas in stead of love you. Cause we really are more like sisters ya know. Also, Charity and Christian are amazing. Their characters are great. Hope you update soon. LunasStar
11/15/2004 c7 Penny
This is so good!
11/15/2004 c7 3Rose Richonne
I'm glad you finally got s chance to update. I really loved this chapter, kissing, yay! lol. and the whole best friend conversation was awesome, plus I can connect very well with it. :) Please update soon.
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