Just In
for Naked

12/6/2004 c1 10AngelaiR
interesting peice I must say. Please read and review. toodles ~trippyangel
11/14/2004 c1 00Anonymous00
I'm sorry, but I seriously laughed! I can't help it. I'm certain I wasn't supposed to laugh, but there's just something about this poem that just tickled my amusement.
But honestly, I loved it. It's short yet there's something about it that was...I don't know right now..I can't seem to put my finger on the right word about it. But this is really great. At least it is to me.
Now, this actually caught my attention while my eyes was roaming down on the list of your works. As my pen name would clearly suggest, I'm quite all about the "wickedness". And the word "naked" whacked my curiosity. (Lol)
Hm, what else to say? I just really liked it. ^^
The most notorious stalker of F.P.
The most perverted untouched virgin,
- Wicked Tongue
8/31/2004 c1 30Roadside Dryer
good, i liked the first line the best.
8/29/2004 c1 10Zarancids
what the hell...

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