Just In
for Flower in the Rain

11/7/2006 c1 6givelifeyurall
i realy like it so far and it helps me review for psychology at the same time.
10/20/2006 c20 2Bimbo-Trouble
update whenever you can but just dont forget to update please! i really ejoy the story thanks heaps.
2/1/2005 c20 2CynicInLove
another of ur fantastic stories. im interesting in psychology myself, but i dont think ill be majoring in it or anything. sort of like a hobby..but it really cant be one..so..i dont know..an interest perhaps? hmm, anyways, ryann sounds maniacal. why didnt sylvia say something to her parents about meena and ryann going out? anyways, please update sooN!
12/1/2004 c20 Jacangirl220
i like this story. keep writing!
10/19/2004 c20 ClaimingUntoughable
hey love this chapter hope u can write mkore very soon
10/15/2004 c20 IntergalacticOctopoda
"murder is illegal in all 51 states"
how about we take him to some deserted island and kill him there? i like it ra! you MUST keep going ... reminds me ... i have updates to do as well. make sure you review mine! and good luck on your hw ... and the ... doctor *kiss*
9/25/2004 c19 missy
I've read the whole story so far, and i must so WOW. I love it. I hope you'll continue to write. :)
9/25/2004 c4 ClaimingUntoughable
hey love this chapter hope u can write more very soon
9/25/2004 c19 IntergalacticOctopoda
it wouldn't let me review earlier for some strange reason. its getting good. i hope you continue to do more. muah ra-chan!
9/24/2004 c19 erin
WAH IM SO SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR UBER REVIEWER and your chapter is...like...short again...*cries*
*ahem* lemme try this ...thing people call praying/begging/being an annoying person...
find a way to make the chapters LONGER for i am losing interest very quickly ...*no im not but what the hey anything to get author's attention* SO PLEASE HEAR MY PRAYERS AND MAKE THE CHAPTERS BIGGER *ahem * *mutters something*
so i aint good at it...
9/24/2004 c19 Jackie
It was short but still good. I knew Sylvia would be valuable to the plot! That little girl better beat ryann up! Lol. Well she's smarter than him (actaully anyone is) so she'll do something about it for her sister.
9/24/2004 c19 Amber
good chappie:) look forward to an update
9/23/2004 c18 IntergalacticOctopoda
i like her, sylvia is neat. based on a classmate ... wow, i think i like her :P she's very observant that girl is. pleas keep going. i wonder if anna'll ever tell alice about what happened ... contrary to what people think ... i give the mom credit for trying and i hope everything goes well ... FINISH RA-CHAN!
*wild kat tackle*
9/22/2004 c18 Jackie
Hey again! I really need to express my feelings on this! Anna should just say at the table "THAT BASTARD RAPED ME AND NOW HE IS HARASSING ME!" How DARE he go into her old house! I hate him so much! But otherwise great chapter, lol. Will Sylvia somehow be a help to Anna in all of this? I hope so, she seems like a good person who wants her sister's love. Can't wait for the next chapter!
9/22/2004 c18 erin
*dies*... u...u...U TOOK SO LONG and...ur...ur...ur...chapter! it's so...NOT LONG *dies again* update more im sure u did fine on yer testeroo! lol ^_^
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