Just In
for It's Midnight In The House

5/27/2005 c1 Elessar Nltar
You DO realize that 'Estel Elendil'means "Hope-lover of stars?"

Anyway, know that you are now on the tremendous list of LotR fans! Good job! Mr.J.R.R.Tolkien is the auther of the century!

11/24/2004 c1 12Terra Tigra
Wow, I really liked this. I'm surprised it didn't get more reviews.

"Paced and prowled..." o! I loved that alliteration. Sent chills down my spine. You used free verse very well and I like the sense of a story being told here.

I know exactly what this poem is talking about. Sometimes the mind is too loud and I can't sleep -.-" Stupid... mind...? O.o I guess.


Arrivederc!-Terra Tigra-

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