8/31/2014 c1 Guest
I don't know if you're aware but a user named CassieStrauss1106 is posting this story on the PLL section of Fanfiction under the name 'Playing With Fire'
I don't know if you're aware but a user named CassieStrauss1106 is posting this story on the PLL section of Fanfiction under the name 'Playing With Fire'
8/31/2014 c2 Julietish
Hi! It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. When your story was featured on ADoR, a judge wrote this review for it: Once again the legendary Secretive/Analytical Calico has come out with yet another brilliant story in Quandaries of a Quirky Romantic. The town’s feared matchmaker pairs up the slightly crazy good girl Nadine and bad boy Thatcher and they agree to the match mainly to get her off their backs, but as their relationship develops, it starts to become more real.
Nadine isn’t your typical sarcastic know-it-all protagonist, instead she’s refreshing and just a little bit mad so the comments she comes out with make you snort with laughter at your screen. She loves romance stories, but fears falling in love (and Thatcher). I found her loyalty to her best friend heart-warming, despite Nadine’s tendency to allow her to walk all over her given her best friend has also been paired up by the matchmaker, Megan, and is really condescending about how Nadine does not have a boyfriend.
Thatcher is made likeable the instant you learn of how loving and protective he is of his grandparents, Nonno and Nonna and that he will pretty much do anything for them. The poor guy rally earns your sympathy when you find out about his traumatic past, which comes back with a vengeance at the end of the story.
All the supporting characters are vibrant, particularly Nadine’s family (and her demonic cat) and Thatcher’s best friend Huey, and are well fleshed out. The drama too is realistic and gives our story its bittersweet ending that leaves you shouting ‘why?’ at the screen. Secretive’s writing is excellent as usual, and it really lets you connect with the characters, with only the odd spelling or grammar mistake, that don’t really detract from the flow of the story.
One point to note however is the sequel which carries on where the ending leaves off, hasn’t been updated since 2010. But don’t let that stop you, the story is a good read all on its own too!
Hi! It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. When your story was featured on ADoR, a judge wrote this review for it: Once again the legendary Secretive/Analytical Calico has come out with yet another brilliant story in Quandaries of a Quirky Romantic. The town’s feared matchmaker pairs up the slightly crazy good girl Nadine and bad boy Thatcher and they agree to the match mainly to get her off their backs, but as their relationship develops, it starts to become more real.
Nadine isn’t your typical sarcastic know-it-all protagonist, instead she’s refreshing and just a little bit mad so the comments she comes out with make you snort with laughter at your screen. She loves romance stories, but fears falling in love (and Thatcher). I found her loyalty to her best friend heart-warming, despite Nadine’s tendency to allow her to walk all over her given her best friend has also been paired up by the matchmaker, Megan, and is really condescending about how Nadine does not have a boyfriend.
Thatcher is made likeable the instant you learn of how loving and protective he is of his grandparents, Nonno and Nonna and that he will pretty much do anything for them. The poor guy rally earns your sympathy when you find out about his traumatic past, which comes back with a vengeance at the end of the story.
All the supporting characters are vibrant, particularly Nadine’s family (and her demonic cat) and Thatcher’s best friend Huey, and are well fleshed out. The drama too is realistic and gives our story its bittersweet ending that leaves you shouting ‘why?’ at the screen. Secretive’s writing is excellent as usual, and it really lets you connect with the characters, with only the odd spelling or grammar mistake, that don’t really detract from the flow of the story.
One point to note however is the sequel which carries on where the ending leaves off, hasn’t been updated since 2010. But don’t let that stop you, the story is a good read all on its own too!
3/1/2014 c26 Guest
Nadine a slide for dating skyler! You NEVER date the enemy after you break up
With your ex . That's an unspoken rule it goes along with family members and friends . That's just spiteful & thacher a idiot all he had to do was tell Nadine he had plenty opportunities .
Nadine a slide for dating skyler! You NEVER date the enemy after you break up
With your ex . That's an unspoken rule it goes along with family members and friends . That's just spiteful & thacher a idiot all he had to do was tell Nadine he had plenty opportunities .
12/1/2013 c22
16Aretice N. Treader
I didn't really see that one coming. I actually found myself enjoying the philosophical stuff, but I'm kind of wondering why Huey and Nicola were in Thatcher's house, though Hey could have been visiting Thatcher and discovered Nicola. There were a few mistakes, but this chapter was still good.

I didn't really see that one coming. I actually found myself enjoying the philosophical stuff, but I'm kind of wondering why Huey and Nicola were in Thatcher's house, though Hey could have been visiting Thatcher and discovered Nicola. There were a few mistakes, but this chapter was still good.
12/1/2013 c21 Aretice N. Treader
There were a few mistakes, such as verb tense issues, in this chapter, but I enjoyed reading about Thatcher meeting part of Nadine's family.
There were a few mistakes, such as verb tense issues, in this chapter, but I enjoyed reading about Thatcher meeting part of Nadine's family.
12/1/2013 c20 Aretice N. Treader
So, there were a few mistakes in this chapter, but it was still okay. It's funny how well Huey knows Thatcher.
So, there were a few mistakes in this chapter, but it was still okay. It's funny how well Huey knows Thatcher.
12/1/2013 c19 Aretice N. Treader
I would love to have someone do this for me. This chapter was so cute. Other than a couple of mistakes, such as writing "bias" instead of "biased," this chapter was really good.
I would love to have someone do this for me. This chapter was so cute. Other than a couple of mistakes, such as writing "bias" instead of "biased," this chapter was really good.
11/30/2013 c18 Aretice N. Treader
Though I would hate having a teacher try to make the class debate all the time, I think that the class debate was a really good way to get Thatcher to open up to Nadine.
Though I would hate having a teacher try to make the class debate all the time, I think that the class debate was a really good way to get Thatcher to open up to Nadine.
11/30/2013 c17 Aretice N. Treader
So, I noticed a mistake that affected the story a little more than normal. Instead of "I couldn't trust Huey," you wrote "I could trust Huey," but that might not be a mistake. You also wrote that Nadine would "back a cake" instead of "bake a cake" and replaced "then" with "than" near the beginning of the chapter. But enough of little mistakes. I really do enjoy reading about Thatcher's grandparents. They're so unorthodoxly old-fashioned, and it's hilarious. Good job!
So, I noticed a mistake that affected the story a little more than normal. Instead of "I couldn't trust Huey," you wrote "I could trust Huey," but that might not be a mistake. You also wrote that Nadine would "back a cake" instead of "bake a cake" and replaced "then" with "than" near the beginning of the chapter. But enough of little mistakes. I really do enjoy reading about Thatcher's grandparents. They're so unorthodoxly old-fashioned, and it's hilarious. Good job!
11/30/2013 c16 Aretice N. Treader
I found one mistake that kind of stood out to me ("mund" instead of "mind"), but this chapter was hilarious and mostly well-written. I would put in a horizontal line between Nadine and Thatcher's scene and Nadine and Jasmine's scene to make it a little less confusing, though.
I found one mistake that kind of stood out to me ("mund" instead of "mind"), but this chapter was hilarious and mostly well-written. I would put in a horizontal line between Nadine and Thatcher's scene and Nadine and Jasmine's scene to make it a little less confusing, though.
11/30/2013 c15 Aretice N. Treader
I love Nadine's overactive imagination. It's great for the humorous side of this story. I noticed some mistakes, like missing words, but this chapter was still pretty good.
I love Nadine's overactive imagination. It's great for the humorous side of this story. I noticed some mistakes, like missing words, but this chapter was still pretty good.
11/30/2013 c14 Aretice N. Treader
I found a few mistakes, but this chapter was all right. I liked the quote at the beginning.
I found a few mistakes, but this chapter was all right. I liked the quote at the beginning.
11/29/2013 c13 Aretice N. Treader
I think the kiss scene was written pretty well. It wasn't gross or too detailed, but it wasn't bland, either. There were a couple of spelling mistakes, but they're really just missing or mixed up letters. I liked the lunch thing that Thatcher did, too. It was really cute.
I think the kiss scene was written pretty well. It wasn't gross or too detailed, but it wasn't bland, either. There were a couple of spelling mistakes, but they're really just missing or mixed up letters. I liked the lunch thing that Thatcher did, too. It was really cute.
11/21/2013 c12 Aretice N. Treader
I like how Thatcher's and Nadine's relationship is progressing. I think there was still a few mistakes, but it was still good.
I like how Thatcher's and Nadine's relationship is progressing. I think there was still a few mistakes, but it was still good.