Just In
for Little Red Ridingboy

11/22/2013 c1 Midnight and Sunrise Writers
Whaaaaaaaaa! Wait...Welcome to the club Lucilla :)
4/1/2013 c1 Alecae Morrow Alaysia
xDDDD I LOVED the ending!
9/8/2012 c1 D
ah, you have to love fangirls. i would have done the same thing, just without the axe
10/22/2011 c1 5kiyo89
Funny ending XD
1/14/2011 c1 j
ha ha, poor Torako...
7/10/2010 c1 XxLittleSallyxX
(lol) I love how Lucilla is a fangirl like us! :D YAY! I'd do the same thing too!
2/7/2010 c1 Run
Hahaha,that's funny! But how does the wolf look like? Human? Wolf? I'm getting really confused now
7/21/2009 c1 gracelalia
Lucilla did exactly what I would do! I'd be like "...Continue! Continue! Just pretend I'm not even here! Continue I say!"
7/16/2009 c1 3theauthor94
I always love yoru work. Lucilla is a yaoi fangirl like us!
5/17/2009 c1 TheMostPatheticNameEver
Well, I liked it.. Except for the fact that he was raped by a wolf.. I mean, what the heck? That's just wierd, having sex with a wolf...

Otherwise, you're great at writing stuff, and it's funny how you make a lot of stories I've heard since I was little into other things ^^
9/22/2007 c1 3Kayi Rowling
Hehehehe, this was funny in some of the word and situation choices XD Really good.
6/18/2006 c1 7Noihseret
you make these stories so much better than the original! lol. great job. i look forward to reading more of your stories ^^

do the lion king next! that'd be great XD
4/1/2006 c1 meowmeow8
this story was really sexy
9/13/2004 c1 Athena
This is soo funny. i like this one better than the other one, the opal one. I like the line "On second thought... continue..." hehehehe. soo funny and she sits down to watch, hehehehe.
9/13/2004 c1 Princess Papillon
i'm changing my name every time...
yay i love this one *glomps okami*
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