Just In
for Wasted Seconds

2/27/2005 c1 26inspiredisia
i once wrote a birthday card that was pretty similar to this one, the whole time of the relationship. even so, doing it with a crush overlooks the idea of obsession to a new degree. i like it, feel free to read my stuff
10/15/2004 c1 dreamingofflyingaway
HELO! *slides into view* HA! I know the relevance of this story! *cackles madly* anywho...I really have nothing else to jabber on about, other than this is bloody amazing (lol you nerdsquad! ;) ) jokes. anywhoo...READ MY SHORT STORY :P lol ciao babes...oh god we have math next,..*cringe*
best of luck and happy typing
9/23/2004 c1 TigHan
hahaha! i have already read this so i knew what was to come, i felt so psychic lol. well i have already told you this is a good story, and since you just made up the title today HOW ON EARTH did u get it up so fast since we were at gym? go on msn, since you must be at home! gr... *grumble grumble* anywayz you know i like this. and i think... well, you also know what i think about the seconds part :)

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