Just In
for What the Future Holds

3/13/2006 c20 GalevinFierre
Great Chapter! It's been a while since the last one! I found the arguments between Kei and Ryo funny, and knowing you, they'll 'hook up'. The meditation though? Wouldn't he like look like he's dead to everyone else? I just thought that was a bit odd. Well, I thought nothing particularly significant happens but I can't wait for the next chapter.
3/11/2006 c19 Beth
Ah I do love this story...I would marry it if it was a person...I mean it has so many good things...like Ryo...yeaah *gets lost in thoughts* I love this chapter! haha Ryos otehr half is fun larious! woohoo...wow...
3/11/2006 c18 Tis Me
You need not me to review on every one you know...You know Ill just say how awesome you are...and how much I love this story..and how your doing such a great job! haha PLease update soon...I need to know whats gonna happen!
3/11/2006 c20 Beth
Must you torture me with such things? Get under my skin and make me wait? I havent been able to read this story in like forever..and when its getting so good...you cut it...rip it up and stop it...*sigh* *glares* Yeah...I know patience is a virtue...*grumbles*
3/11/2006 c20 Dorin
*sheepish grin* sowwry...Um, ok, to cover reviews for all other missed chapters: WOT! GREAT JOB!

now, with that over with, on to this chapter. Interesting touch with the little boy. lol, I felt myself having the same reaction as you wrote me having. Stupid Ryo! Attacking little children...he couldn't have just hit a pressure point or something? *pfft*

Nice lead into the next scene. XD I'll be interested to read where it goes next..."What the Future Holds" fans...hold on to your hats!

2/1/2006 c19 GalevinFierre
Great Chapter.It seems Kei is against killing people,but I tend to side with Ryo, cause I don't know about you, but when you don't kill your enemies...they tend to NOT die...and I don't know, maybe I'm old fashioned but they also tend to be kind of angry cause you beat them to within an inch of their life... For some strange reason I liked this chapter more than the others. It weird, I can't explain or point out exactly why X.X well, waiting for your next chapter
1/15/2006 c18 Beth
I love this so much...If this was all done and a book (( which someday it will be Im sure )) I would be so hooked that I'd be reading it all day and until like 4 in the mourning! Keep up your awsomeness and write faster!

1/15/2006 c18 GalevinFierre
Yeah. Great. Cool. Spectacular. Slendid. Well done. Wonderful. Perfect. I ran out of positive words, but seriously, it was good! I still was a bit thrown off by Dain calling Ryo's scar sexy and I'm sure I'll remember that the next time I see someone with a cut anywhere on their body...still, I thought the scene with Izzy was Genius(get it Genius? Atoms? Ha! I should do stand up.)
12/31/2005 c17 Dorin
w00t! Wow, is that preview WAY into the future or what?

lol, Ryo wins! (of course, we all knew he would. ^.~)

Keep up the good work,

12/30/2005 c17 Muchi Muchi Beth
I can't wait for the next chapter...It's killing me to know whats going to happen!
12/30/2005 c17 GalevinFierre
I can't believe at first I didn't catch. omina...omino...Dominoyoyo...That other person is a girl...yeah...well much shorter than the other ones, but it was great nonetheless. So I take it Ryo'll be returning to Theif Town in the next chapter. I loved the concept of the two minds switching back and forth switching between styles without that other person knowing! Sounds like something I would write. Anyways great chapter again and I'll be waiting for the next one.
12/30/2005 c2 Lyssess
I like it so far. He seems like a really realistic character, but i think you should have gone into his little hideout a little more. I can't wait to see what happens later on. I'd like it if you didn't swear so much, but hey! It's better than just about anything i could do! :)
12/30/2005 c16 GalevinFierre
Great Chapter, as always!Finally got to those fights (*Biff* *Bam* *Boom*) Can't wait to read the next one. Shadow-Melting...cool...cause for a while I just thought you called Ryo a shadow demon cause shadow sounded cool. I'm still wondering about the last fight.
12/25/2005 c16 Beth
TO Ryo

Wimp...Wimpy Wimpy...weakling...

Anyway Good reads yall can't wait for the rest ^^
12/25/2005 c15 Betheroonie
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