2/10/2013 c5 1lightslikestars
i love this story! can you please continue LOL. please read my story too although i'm new but i really love the story that you write! its awesome!
i love this story! can you please continue LOL. please read my story too although i'm new but i really love the story that you write! its awesome!
5/17/2009 c5 TheMostPatheticNameEver
The guy with eight fingers is cool (can't really say the slave, 'cuz he ain't that anymore), and I totally despise that Aleksander. Well, awesome work, I must say. Keep working!
The guy with eight fingers is cool (can't really say the slave, 'cuz he ain't that anymore), and I totally despise that Aleksander. Well, awesome work, I must say. Keep working!
9/28/2004 c5 15queerromance
Cute, I love it so far! Love how aleksander is now slave to his old slave! Can't wait to see where this goes! Update again soon plz!
Cute, I love it so far! Love how aleksander is now slave to his old slave! Can't wait to see where this goes! Update again soon plz!
9/25/2004 c1 her royal highness Princess Papillon
ew i say we give aleksander the stick treatment or the cheese grater treatment. as long as i don't have to watch
ew i say we give aleksander the stick treatment or the cheese grater treatment. as long as i don't have to watch