Just In
for Puzzle of June the Fifth

1/15/2005 c2 candycorn22
i definately think this could be expanded on, but for now it works. do you plan on adding to this chapter? anyway, nice work an' all, just keep it up!
1/15/2005 c1 candycorn22
short, but good so far. was the use of 'my' in the first line intentional? 'cause if it is, who are you?
1/10/2005 c2 2Bloodflower
Consider this a review for a review.

This is very good, I love your clipped style.

It's just your very first line has a first person 'my' in it, I don't know whether that's intentional - but the rest of it is in third person, so I'm kind of wondering about that. Other than that, thumbs up! Can't wait for more!
1/5/2005 c2 3freakiidrooop
it's short but certainly got me hooked. keep writing! (not so good at writing reviews)
1/5/2005 c1 54orangepen23
very short. Interesting, but short. It would be interesting to know if your 'homocide report' follows the actually format of a real report.
1/5/2005 c2 Ahemait
haha i 'm in your profile! thank you friend! nice story...update or i shall murder you in your sleep! bwahahaha!
12/20/2004 c1 Amelia Grant
great writing, friend! it's interesting, and keeps the reader... reading!
11/20/2004 c1 Alex
c'est tres bien, mon ami!
9/29/2004 c2 4R. Hollins
Get more chapters posted! I liked it :)
9/27/2004 c2 5EvilNeko13
I like the way this is written. Very short and simple sentences describing the case, yet paragraphs without any choppiness or interruptions. Good work!
P.S. I thought a good title might be "June the Fifth, 2004" or maybe drop the 2004. I don't know. Just a suggestion. lol.
9/27/2004 c2 6Crystal Clear Lies
Wow, this is good! I can't wait until the next chapter! Hmm...How about...'Pieces and Puzzles'? Sounds corny, yes. But I thought it would fit...You don't have to

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