Just In
for Breaking

9/13/2005 c1 20dont want to know
Another good one. i really like the simplistic nature of your poems. the contrast in this piece is really good. well done again. i really enjoy reading your work
7/2/2005 c1 63lackluster
mesmirizingly heart-breakingly painful. nicely done.

4/7/2005 c1 8stained innocence13
i can relate... check my poems out. u may be able 2 relate 2 dem as wel..
2/12/2005 c1 Out-Of-Reality
Sometimes we make it so they can't see... Never mind lol, Just an inspiration moment. I liked the poem though, you have an interesting way with expression!
12/22/2004 c1 Ivriniel
Great poem. So true. I like the contrast..the ending is good, too.
11/26/2004 c1 13through these jaded eyes
again, your knowledge surprises me. i am so amazed at how you can do this so well!
10/7/2004 c1 1Syrins
This was so truthful it actually hurt... literally...
10/3/2004 c1 7Syns
Again you captured the truth of the matter. You have a space between forgotten... I usually wouldn't say anything, but I had nothing bad to say about this poem... that kills me... Yeah, uh, well done. (It's got to be old, now)
10/2/2004 c1 127Eirien
Wow. A great piece, the structure with the contrasts is really good, and the raw emotion portrayed is powerful. The cry for help beneath the mask of indifference is brought across wonderfully well.
Perhaps I know you better than you think. And perhaps, inspite of what you say on your profile page, I do want to know you ...
I could refer you to a lot of my poems that are similar to yours, but I'd love you to read "Not Unheard" for a slightly more positive message. ;-)
Love from Eirien

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